Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Reflections

I can't believe that 2011 is a little over 24-hours from being over. I, for one, am ready to kicky the vibes of 2011 out the door. Here is a recap of my year....
  • D started his new job in January and is loving it!
  • Drove myself back to work!
  • Made a trip to Indianapolis in late January for Leadership Academy for Alpha Chi Omega. Got there in between snowstorms, but still got to see some snow. Had fun bonding, visited the motherland (the famed Headquarters of our organization), and dug through the snow to find our Chapter brick.
  • Went to Arizona for the "It's a Boy's Trip" aka Spring Training with D. Had fun spending time with D, checking out different teams, eating and relaxing.
  • Renewed our season tickets for the Padres with a full season...probably not do a full season again.
  • Got to see a post game press conference for the Padres, which was really cool and so not what I expected.
  • Celebrated Meema's 90th birthday with a trip to Disneyland with most of the family. She had a great time and still raves about it to this day! In fact, she told Mom and I that it was the "highlight of her life". Never mind, that she was married, had 2 children, 3 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild...the highlight of her life was a visit to Disneyland and kiss by Mickey Mouse (her beau)! God willing, we will do the same for her 95th!'
  • Nominated, won and accepted the award for Greek Advisor of the Year at CSUSM. It was such an honor and I am still touched when I read my nomination letter.
  • Went to Big Bear with the Chapter for their fall retreat...made dinner for them, bonded and shared WAY more than I should about myself. It's a great way for them to get to know me better and be more comfortable with my input and not just view me as "the scary lady in the back".
  • Was surprised by and Mom with a 2-month early surprise 40th birthday party! It was my first surprise party and so cool!
  • Got an iPad for my birthday and am in LOVE with it!
  • Celebrated 9 years of relationship status and 4 years of marriage with D. It's been full of ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade this for anything!
  • Were made an "offer we couldn't refuse" and accepted it. It will help us make the sacrifices and get us to our big goal in 2012!
  • Got an iPhone and am in LOVE with it!
  • Getting closer to being out of consumer debt...should happen in 2012!
  • Turned 40...and didn't freak out too much! I just don't feel like I am that age, but am excited about all that is coming in life.
  • Discovered Cop Radio (thanks to D) where I can listen to the police scanner. It is both fascinating and scary at the same time...makes me sad at all the DV (domestic violence) calls.
  • Hosted Christmas Eve, which all came together without all the fuss and stress I'd been putting into it.
  • Still at the jay oh bee...will make some decisions in 2012 about my status there. Even though one Nasty will be out of there, I'm not sure it is still the right environment for me as I prepare for some bigger things in life.

2011 has been quite a year, but I'm looking forward to the magic of a new year...happy New Year!

Shopping Reflections

Today, I went shopping for some necessities for the holiday weekend. I did the same thing last Friday, with the intent to avoid the crazy crowds of the "Eve". In doing so, I noticed some things in my visits to Trader Joes, Vons, Costco (gas and store).

To those shopping with your children, I'm sure you think it's cute when they push the cart like they've been drinking. It's not...especially when it is busy!

To the parents with no manners (yes, I let you go ahead of didn't say thank you), it's a wonder your children don't have any either.

To the woman standing in the middle of the aisle using her cell phone to call her child to find out if they need coffee right where I need to grab something, it's called a shopping list..try it some time!

To the woman in front of me at Costco gas, we've been waiting for a while to get to the pump. Why didn't you get out your cards before you pulled up to the pump?!?

To the man with the shopping cart in the meat area of Costco, I was wearing a yoga tank with a small amount of cleavage. This does not give you the right to stare longingly and follow me with your eyes until your wife returned to you. With all that staring, I'm pretty sure there was a clean up of your drool puddle in the meat section of Costco.

To those on your cell phone (with or without Starbucks) shopping, now is not the time to have a chat with your bff/husband/etc. Pay attention to the task at hand.

To Oggi's in Mission Valley, thanks for sending me home with a chopped salad without dressing and what looked like a half-eaten bread stick.

To the person driving the (insert car name here), did you not pay extra for the turn signal?!? That lever in your car is there for a reason!

Enough said :)