Thursday, December 17, 2009

All I Want For Christmas

Dear Santa,

I think this year I have been a good girl and deserve some nice things under my tree and in my life. And, usually, when people ask, I don't know what to say. This year, I, here's my wish list...
  • New pair of black boots...since mine have become a little ragged, this would be a practical addition to my closet.
  • Pair of chocolate brown boots...I have a really cool sweater dress that would look even better with these.
  • Cute pair of flats that I can wear with jeans when I'm out.
  • Skinny jeans...think I want to try this trend. Or maybe, I just want the skinny part :) And maybe a new pair of boot cut jeans that don't fall off my hips!
  • Laptop bag that can carry other things (like a book or something)...I would like a nice one to take to South Carolina in June. Even, a cool looking laptop sleeve could work with my existing situation.
  • Some new work clothes...I sometimes feel like I have the same outfits in rotation and would like some new options. Oh, and while you're at it, some casual and trendy clothes would also be appreciative. Actually, maybe this should just be listed as an overhaul of my current wardrobe. I'm in a clothes funk right now!
  • Smashbox Halo Hydrating Perfecting Powder...yes, I know I have lots of product similar to this, but this one really is the best one for me. If need be, I will finish the others before I can get this.
  • A jay oh bee for D...he's been a good boy this year and deserves it! This is a big one, but I would forsake all the rest on my list for this one!

I know that Christmas has been scaled back this year, but I am really looking forward to some quality family time! Thanks in advance, Santa!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to Work...What Happened to My Time Off?!?

Happy Monday! Today is my first day back to work in nine days...that is one of the nice benefits of working for a school district. We have the option of working some of the days during breaks, but it's become my plan to take off Thanksgiving and Winter breaks and work the others. It was definitely a nice break and needed. We were so busy...
  • The first weekend of break was kind of a lazy time for me...a little grocery shopping and a haircut....other than this, it was a lot of bonding time with the couch!
  • Monday: Slept in a little before heading north to Mom's. We had promised we would help get some shopping done and pre-TG prep done. After a nice lunch, we hit some grocery stores and headed back to Mom's. I helped Mom get some of her dishes done and ready for Thursday.
  • Tuesday...our 2nd Anniversary: We had breakfast at Richard Walker's Pancake House, spent some time at the Glider Port, and ended with dinner (and karaoke watching) at Cafe LaMaze.
  • Wednesday: D had an appointment with a recruiter, so I headed to Mom's to help a little more. It was all finished and ready to go by late afternoon. D and I then went to pick up a baby shower gift and had an early dinner (at happy hour prices) at BJ's Pizzeria. This is quickly becoming one of my new favorite places to good!
  • Thanksgiving Day: Started out lazy before heading to Mom's. I was helping her finish prep and set the table while D helped with turkey prep. We all sat down and had a nice family dinner with a few additions. D and I hung out and didn't make it back home until after midnight!
  • Friday: I'm not sure if it was the turkey or what, but I was feeling really lazy! D went off to do some photography and I stayed home reading. That night, Mom and her friend from Tucson (Uncle Festus) came down and the 4 of us went to dinner. We also did some driving around town...Uncle Festus and Mom have been friends since they were 14 years old. It was a fun night!
  • Saturday: Originally, Uncle Festus and D were going to check out the Navy Exchange, but we got an invite to dinner at Ruth's by Uncle Banking Mogul. Dinner was in honor of Cousin Cleveland's official move back home. We all had fun as only this crazy family unit can! We even started talking about December birthday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
  • Sunday: We had an open house/baby shower to attend. Hippie Girl and I have known each other for 20 years...we met in the cafeteria at Palomar College and bonded over breakfast. She is due with a baby girl on December 16 (day after my birthday) if she makes it that far!

So, now, it's almost December. I'm hoping for a good end of the year...D did not get the job in Carlsbad. However, he has one confirmed and one pending interview scheduled this week. I am holding out hope that it will all come together! In the meantime, the spirit is in the air! Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

With This Ring, I Thee Wed

Wedding Day

Happy anniversary to D and I! Two years ago, we stood up in front of 135 of our closest friends and family and made a lifetime of vows. We have experienced all the things we vowed to stand by each other...sickness and health, richer or poorer, good times and bad...and have weathered each storm that we have encountered. We have experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows, but at the end of it all, we still stand next to each other as a united couple. So, today, I'd like to wish my husband a very happy 2nd anniversary...I love you D!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday Whines!

WARNING: This entry probably has a lot of "whine" in it, so you might want to settle in with some cheese and crackers! I am this close to admitting defeat and heading into a big open field for one long scream. I feel like all the cliches and more...swimming up stream against the current...with all the stuff happening in my life right now. In contrast to what others experience in life, I am fully aware that this bump in the road is nothing, but I'm having a hard time feeling like I'm going to come out in one piece when all this dust settles! So, my whines today include:
  • EDD...because D was honest and listed that he was taking a class (CPA Prep Class in the evenings plus a one afternoon photo class) on his claim form, they have delayed his unemployment until they can conduct a phone interview (scheduled for Saturday).
  • D's lack of employment is REALLY starting to get to me on so many levels. I know that he's looking and there are not a lot of positions out there, but I am ready for this to end. (The Friday interview went went - 3 hours long - and he heard that they liked him. We are just in the waiting game now.)
  • Nasty's pregnancy...she is milking this for all the attention it's worth and the boss is buying into it. She acts like she is the first women ever to be pregnant and that being pregnant is such a burden. It got to me today...the boss commented that she was getting bigger (her bump) and Nasty made the ugliest face. I am not the knee-jerk kind of responder, but I said "You don't look too happy about this". To which she responded, "I'm not feeling well,". It just hit a nerve for me...I think it's the lack of sensitivity that gets to me.

And, now some positive notes...

  • Our airfare for the June South Carolina trip for Uncle Banking Mogul's 65th birthday family vacation has been taken care of. I guess he decided he (and the Mrs.) want all of us to be there without the stress of figuring out how to pay for it. It was an undeniably generous gesture!
  • I've been in quite the cooking and baking helps my stress level go down slightly. This week, I made homemade vegetable beef soup and baked (which I hardly ever do) peanut butter chocolate chip muffins and homemade beer cheese bread.
  • Our 2nd anniversary is next week...I can't believe it's been 2 years!
  • Thanksgiving is also next week which means family time and celebrating the return of Cousin Cleveland back to San Diego.

Thank you for reading helps me get it out of my system and hopefully release it from my head! Have a good Wednesday!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, Friday!

Never was there a week longer than this...ugh, for only working 2 days (including today), I am exhausted! Since, yesterday's post was kind of a recap, let's do Friday's grateful list and start this weekend off in a positive manner!
  • Mom was downstairs and feeling a little better last night.
  • Spent the night there and Mom seemed to sleep more fitfully.
  • Helping Meema with another run to the store...since she no longer drives, she needs to rely on me and others to get things she might need for Mom.
  • D having a 3 hour interview session today...I have a good feeling about this one, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.
  • Having vague plans for the weekend, but nothing too concrete.

Hope everyone has a happy Friday and great weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ugh, Is it 2010 Yet?!?

I have really had enough of the roller coaster known as 2009. This has been one heck of a year. I really now feel like I've been through the ringer in every aspect of my life. What a year...and a week! Since our last entry:
  • Lots of cooking...2 trays of baked spaghetti plus one tray of veggie alfredo primavera, plus salad, 2 loaves of garlic bread, and 2 bundt cakes to feed the girls dinner in Big Bear. At one point during the cooking or some sort of prep, I kept asking myself why I had agreed to make dinner for close to 50 girls! The's been a rough semester and I wanted to do something nice for them. The reward was all the food (and I mean all of it) wiped out and many thank yous!
  • Big Bear Retreat Weekend: As part of the on-campus suspension (which has since been lifted), it was required that an advisor (specifically me) attend the Chapter's semester retreat in Big Bear. So, last Friday, I packed up and drove (with a member) up for the weekend. I really had an amzing time bonding with the girls...staying up late (4:30 a.m. Friday and 2:30 a.m. Saturday), playing CatchPhrase (not Catch Charades), talking, learning more about the girls and sharing (probably more than I should) my life. There were many moments that were special to me, but the memory I will never forget is waking up from a nap on Saturday (I had a headache) hearing singing. I walked out to hear the girls practicing a song for the spring. They decided they would sing it from the beginning for brought me to tears...I was so proud of my girls!
  • Catching up on my rest for what I thought would be a back to work Monday.
  • Getting a call at 6:00 a.m. Monday from Meema that Mom was in the ER and had been taken via ambulance. Spending a worrisome day between the hospital and Mom's house before getting the final diagnosis of gallstones. We took Mom home at 4:00 p.m. I stayed with them until Wednesday.
  • Realizing for the first time in my life what it means to be an only child in dealing with a sick parent...even though D was by my side for most of the week, I really can't rely or depend on someone else to deal with's all me!
  • Being subject to frustration and irritation out of sickness (for the 2nd time this year). Apparently, the brand of crackers I bought taste differently that the normal brand. Who knew?!?
  • Understanding how Mom feels in taking care of Meema. It's a lot of work...which can be frustrating!
  • Feeling like I am emotionally drained, but still have to carry through whatever is happening.
  • Feeling grateful that this is a health concern that is manageable and livable.

It really has been a week with the most manic range of emotions...I'm hoping that tomorrow (Friday the 13th) is a good day for us. D has an interview and it's a promising opportunity. So, if you could keep a positive thought for this, I'd really appreciate it! Hope all is well with everyone!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Time!

Happy Monday! I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed with life right now, but trying to hang in and hold on. It's challenging for me to just let it all happen because I feel like it's all spun in a million different directions. So, my Monday list:
  • On Campus Suspension has been lifted for the Chapter...hopefully, this means they know not to go buck wild again. I am wondering if I still need to go to Big Bear this weekend with them, but since I committed to providing dinner, I should still go. Hopefully, I will not be too ragged when I get back...and we all come back alive!
  • Mom offering to help me get food for 45 hungry girls ready = less stressed me!
  • Busy weeks are the norm...last week, it was friend from Hawaii and then New York Banker flew in Saturday night. Two nights of big dinners make for one sleepy me!
  • Library time+new books+couch time=relaxation+happy me!
  • D has a second interview on Friday the 13th. This one looks really's the one his former supervisor recommended him for. All I want for our 2nd anniversary is for him to get a jay oh bee! Not much to ask for is it?!?

This is a busy week for me, but it should go really quickly...have a great week!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday...Enough Said!

So, as we all know, I am trying not to be a Negative Nelly, but let me tell you...I hit the wall this past weekend! All of the stress and anxiety came flooding my body and hit me like a ton of bricks! I got the migraine of all migraines on Saturday...complete with nausea and all the other nasty side effects. It's been a while since I've had one this bad, I had to cancel our plans to attend a friend's Halloween party and that I had to spend the night at Mom's. D and I had stopped by on our way to the party, but the headache I'd been nursing turned into a migraine. I couldn't get anything down to take medicine and could not fathom a car ride home. Instead, I spent the night there. Three days later, I still have the dull headache. In all this negativity releasing from my system, I still have managed to come up with a list today...
  • Friday night impromptu date night with D...Balboa Park and dinner
  • Walking around LaJolla and checking out the Children's Pool and seals
  • Realizing, yet again, how much love I have in my life with my family and D
  • Realizing I need to find a way to really let all my stress out...or else, I could get migraines like this one more often.
  • Wild Animal Park visit...meeting Amara, the cheetah
  • Visiting with a friend from Hawaii and him bringing us chocolate covered macadamia nuts
  • D having another phone interview this morning that went well...with a second interview to come soon.

All in all, life is still progressing. Oh, an update to the bacteria issues on my legs...I have a referral appointment with a dermatologist on Monday to see what's happening there. They're a little smaller, but not healed. Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fabulous Friday!

Happy's fabulous, but then again every Friday is usually fabulous! This week has been a roller coaster complete with more Nasty drama, but in keeping with the positive nature, we're going to skip right over all that garbage. Now, on to the good things:
  • Watching D study and be so focused on his 1st CPA prep class. It's going to be a lot of work for him, but it will definitely pay off in the long run.
  • Thursday night dinner with Mom and Meema...D joined us as well. Plus, I got to see the boys (Oneder and Buttons).
  • Dinner at Sammy's Woodfired Pizza to support the Chapter's fundraising efforts
  • Seeing the girls at dinner and them saying hello to us...commenting later, how cute Meema is!
  • Having discussions about potential life changes and knowing that in the end, it's all going to be okay...somehow or some way, it will all work out and we have an amazing support system!

We have some fun things planned this weekend, so I'm looking forward to the end of the day to get this weekend started! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thoughtful Tuesday

Good Morning and welcome to Tuesday! Monday went relatively smoothly...
  • D's interview went well. One of the people he was slated to meet with was sick, but he met with the big boss. D has some strengths and knowledge that this person and the department is lacking. They were also "old company" refugees :)
  • Making a simple dinner of BLOATs (bacon, lettuce, onion, avocado and tomato sandwich) and tater tots
  • Relaxation time together
  • Watching the Chargers game and cheering and yelling loudly
  • Talking to Mom and hearing that D is worried about me...for the record, I'm not having a pity party for 1. I just feel like I've reached my emotional capacity for dealing with the curves that keep getting thrown our way. Being a person of some faith, I know that this is not true and that I am never given more than I can handle, but right now, my stress cup runneth over!

Okay, now story time...I know I talk about the Nastys and the drama that they cause each day. Already, this morning is no exception! So, a person from another department (K) brought our office a beautifully wrapped (with fall decor and leaves from her tree at home) loaf of bread as a Happy Fall gesture. The conversation that followed:

Nice Co-Worker: K brought us some bread
Nasty: Why?
In My Head (Not Said filter does work sometimes): Because that's was nice people do!

Rather than saying, "Oh, that was nice," or something equally cordial or even saying nothing, the response is Why? Really, this is what I have to deal with?!?

BTW, the bread was really good! Nice and I each had a piece, while the Nastys turned it down. Oh, and I sent a thank you email to's what nice people do!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! I am in a decently good mood this morning thanks to a great weekend spent with D. It was the perfect combination of activity mixed with relaxation. With all that's happening in our lives right now, we definitely need some good quality time together! So, Monday's momentous list...
  • Catching up on the DVR...The Office was not so good this week, but still loving everything else. Although, Ugly Betty was a little off as well.
  • Saturday morning at the Little Italy Mercato. If you've never been, go! It's so much fun to walk around checking out all the great food and produce.
  • Saturday afternoon trip walking around Kobey's Swap Meet. I bought a pair of gently used shoe boots for $1. And, if they had been my size, I'd have bought a nice pair of Nine West peep toe heels that would have been perfect for work.
  • Dinner at friends' was a nice relaxing evening catching up.
  • Sunday at the San Diego Zoo. What a perfect place to spend a Sunday! We had fun walking around and see all the great animals including the new Elephant Odyssey exhibit where we got to see an elephant getting bathed and having a pedicure! She was soaking her feet in a was amazing! Like children, we kept laughing and pointing at each other saying, "You," and responding, "Belong in the zoo, the San Diego Zoo,". This was an old advertising campaign for the zoo.
  • Bonus #1...Cousin Cleveland will no longer have this distinction. By Thanksgiving, he will once again be a San Diegan. After much debate and hesitation, he is moving home. He has a job and place to's just a matter of wrapping up his loose ends in Cleveland. Yeah, for having the core of the family all together again!
  • Bonus #2...Long life changing discussions that are both necessary and therapeutic!

So, the weekend was pretty good for us! I'm still a little stressed about things, but am trying to take that giant leap of faith and know that everything will be okay. On that note, think of D today around 3:00 and send some good vibes his way...he has an interview. Happy Monday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday Tidings!

Happy Thursday! Not much to say except that, so now on to my list:

  • Founders' Day Dinner with the Chapter and Alumnae...had fun catching up with friends and seeing the girls represent themselves in a good manner
  • Red carnation gift...the boys of ZBT came by dinner and gave everyone a red carnation (our Chapter flower) was really cute!
  • D and I getting ready together this morning...he was taking a class this morning and had to be up and out the door at the same time I was. I miss our morning routine.
  • D's interview got postponed until Monday, but he heard that he is a candidate for another that would not require as long of a drive, but he's keeping all his options open.
  • Hitting the last 30 pages (or less) in my book....I love it, but at the same time, don't want to see it end!

Hope everyone has a happy can see the weekend from here!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tired Tuesday!

Ugh...I am so tired this morning! Last night's Chapter was a rough rough, that I managed to lose my cool and composure multiple times. While I am passionate and love what I do working with the girls, sometimes it really pushes me to the edge of my patience. I was so worked up by the whole thing that it took me until after 1:00 to be calm enough to fall asleep. I even came home and treated myself to a big bowl of Top Ramen (I was hungry) and Bravo. Nothing like cheap noodles, Rachel Zoe and the vapid Realtors of Million Dollar Listing to take the stress level down a notch or two! Today's list is a little rough considering what a roller coaster ride last night was...
  • D finding dress shirts at a good price
  • Feeling such passion and pride for what I do with the Chapter
  • Knowing when to step back and apologize for behavior, but not beliefs
  • Looking for (and finding a day later) Flat of our ESS Supervisors accidentally mailed him to us
  • The sky between the clouds...such a pretty contrast to the black dark clouds

All in all, I still love what I do with the Chapter. Every semester has a moment where I want to give it all up and walk away. I've always said that the semester I make it through without quitting is the time for me to quit. Regardless of all the frustration, I still love working with the girls and connecting with them. So much so, that I am giving up a weekend to go to Big Bear for their Chapter retreat (mandated by the University). If I didn't care so much, it wouldn't bother me. Hope your Tuesday is a good one!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Musings!

Happy Monday! I took a little blogging hiatus in favor of some quality ME time! I also spent a good chunk of my time with was nice and what I needed. So, now, on to my Monday list:
  • Catching up on the DVR...isn't it great that Pam (from The Office) calls her grandma "Meema" also! Too funny and what a great episode!
  • Saturday baby shower with my great friends! It's amazing how we've all evolved together. We met while planning our weddings and now are just amazing friends!
  • Saturday night laziness which led into Sunday laziness on the couch with D.
  • Somehow, pulling a new suit together for D is a very short amount of time. He has an interview this week and needed a suit for it.
  • Cuddles to start my week after the alarm went off, but before I had to get up.

Today is a long day for, then staright to Chapter. I'm hoping that it won't be too long of a night, but I'm thinking it will still be after 10:00 when I get home. Have a good Monday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fantastic Friday!

Woo's Friday! I've made it through the first week of the boss being on vacation...not totally scar free, but it makes me think I can survive next week with her gone. I've even been called into the Big Boss' office to answer a question normally reserved for my boss. Check me out! The aspiring boss in me allowed me to have a discussion without sounding like I'd just learned how to speak! So, on that note, here's my Friday list:
  • Thursday night dinner and conversation (with a little laundry mixed in) with Mom, Meema, Oneder and Buttons
  • Seeing the doctor and finding out I am neither worse nor better...we're in the wait and see mode...I have to call him back in about 7-10 days before we decide (if there is) the next course of action.
  • Finishing the nasty double strength antibiotics today...maybe that means a glass of wine or something this weekend!
  • No plans tonight except catching up on the DVR (Biggest Loser, Top Chef, The Office, The Good Wife) and spending some quality time with D
  • Coming home to a freshly made bed and a clean bathroom (I almost didn't recognize it!) last night
  • BONUS: The new season of Degrassi: The Next Generation starts tonight! Yes, I know I sometimes have the TV viewing habits of a 16-year old girl, but I love this show! It is based out of Canada and yielded the musician Drake (he played Jimmy Brooks on the show for several seasons).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thursday everyone! I'm a little tired this morning, but ready to roll with my list:

  • Book (book, what book?!?) club last night
  • Catching up with my friends and talking about anything and everything
  • Moving in the direction where being a mom doesn't scare the life out of me...or until the "contraption" came out :)
  • The amazing food last night...especially the grilled 3 cheese sandwich!
  • The honesty of my friends and our means a lot to me and our times together come at just that moment when it is really needed!

Well, I hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WooHoo Wednesday!

So, I'm trying to switch up my titles each day to not be here's my Wednesday list:

  • Made my first small batch of soup last night...didn't realize that I had forgotten one ingredient until I was in the middle of eating it, but it was still really good! I love fall and making soups
  • Spending a quiet night at home without the TV on with D
  • D's first module materials for the CPA prep class arrived yesterday and he is so excited and ready to start. He's even started reading and looking at the material for the class which begins on October 20.
  • Not getting too sick yesterday and keeping my dinner last night (sorry, for the graphic's a big accomplishment after Monday night's incident)
  • Finding out that Meema's fever is nothing to worry about and normal with what she has going on right now (wow! aren't we a healthy family!)

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Tidings!

Well, I spoke too soon...the reactions from the antibiotics did not subside, but came on much stronger last night. I couldn't even take them yesterday because I was not feeling well. Even in the darkest, sickest moments, I still have things to be grateful for:
  • Unexpected Yahoo chat with a friend (should have been on yesterday's list)
  • D has a second interview for a job next week
  • D being so concerned about me that he called my mom to let her know and get some input on what to do for me
  • Aspiring New York Banking Mogul treating us to dinners while he was in town
  • Surviving the first day of my boss' two week vacation without losing my patience

Today is a pretty mellow work day and I should be able to coast through. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Moments!

I will admit that Monday, especially this Monday, is a difficult day to find things in life for which I am grateful. However, with my new attitude and in a massive attempt to clear the little black cloud from over my head, there are still things to acknowledge.
  • Overcoming the bad nausea from the antibiotics in a short period of time this morning
  • The fall morning air...feels a little cooler today
  • Mini Nilla Wafers for not healthy, but so good!
  • No Chapter tonight...heading home to relax
  • Starting a new book and getting lost in it already

All in all, things aren't so bad...I'm hoping that the reactions to the antibiotics will ease up and not last all week. I am alive....that is definitely one thing to be grateful for! Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Thanks!

First of all, before I make my Sunday list, I am okay...I'm on some heavy duty antibiotics to clear what they think I have. I go back on Friday to see if I am any better. So, on that note, my Sunday list:
  • Realizing that the Chargers deserve to lose games if they continue to play so horribly
  • Having a nice fresh fish barbecue with friends and family
  • Sleeping in past 6:00 a.m.
  • Finishing my book club book
  • The feels like fall is in the air...hopefully, the traditional October Santa Ana weather will not come back

Life is progressing...have a good evening!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Gratitude!

So, in keeping with my attitude of gratitude, I am making my next list. It is difficult to be grateful when there is so much stress, but I'm trying to shift my focus. Today, I am grateful for:
  • Spending the day with D at the Tour de Fat and running errands
  • Getting to see a doctor instead of having to rely on an urgent care visit
  • Finding out what I thought was wrong really was something much more...I'm getting some treatment and will go back in a week to see how I've progressed
  • Sleeping past 6:00 a.m.
  • Our "child" (New York Aspiring Banking Mogul) getting to his fishing trip at 3:00 a.m. without having to wake us up to get there

Hope you had a nice Saturday!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

So, for so many reasons, lately, I have been a Bitter Betty or Negative Nelly. I am the classic worrier, pity party of one and all the cliches rolled into one person lately. And, I have been quite down wallowing in this negative energy. Last weekend, I notice that Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith was having a program on PBS. I have met Dr. Beckwith several years ago and have seen him on Oprah earlier this year. He talks about power within and using your potential to grow in life. Last night, I was wired when I got home, so D and I decided to watch it. We only watched a small portion, but learned so much already. One of the things he talked about was eliminating negative thoughts and actions from your life by creating gratitude...for all that we are and have, the negative things/issues we deal with (yes, because without these, we lose the opportunity to learn and grow while things change), and for just existing.

This all brought me to the new focus of my blog...gratitude! So, I'm going to start each day blogging about my daily gratitude items...5 simple things that I am thankful and blessed to have in my life!
  • The sunshine and fog mixed that combined to create a nice morning drive
  • Having a jay oh bee that challenges me on a daily basis
  • Spending Thursday nights with Mom and Meema
  • Getting to spend quality time with my purring cats, Oneder and Buttons
  • It's Friday and I have some good weekend plans

That's the start of my attitude of gratitude shift...what are you grateful for today? Whatever it is, I hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Accomplished...Learned A Lot!

So, Sunday, we closed the door on the rental. It is ready to be turned over to its new occupants. It took three full weekends of sweat and tears to get it done, but it's done. Refrigerator was delivered yesterday and on the 29th, Housing Authority does their inspection for our tenants. I am so relieved that this is all done and we can get back to life at home. Over the last few weeks, I learned some lessons and things I'd like to share:
  • What starts as a simple project will turn into something more complex that usually involves multiple trips to home improvement stores.
  • Lowes and Home Depot have a deal to keep each other in business. In our case, we could get everything, but one thing at Lowes which would require a trip to Home Depot (and they are not close to each other).
  • Whether we make a list or not, something is always forgotten requiring an additional trip out to pick it up.
  • When someone says they are going to clean and get the carpets done before they move out, it usually is not true. And, they are probably trying to distract you from the crayon and pen markings on every surface...including the bathroom door!
  • If a project seems too taxing and big, it usually is, but it can be done!
  • I can paint like a three weekends, I did the majority of the heavy painting of a three bedroom house!
  • Any paint being used will inevitably end up on feet, legs, arms, hands, face...pretty much anywhere on me!
  • The drive east is boring if you do it alone, but doing it with someone and an iPod with the most random mix of music creates many laughs and amateur singing contests!
  • The drive requires stops at two Border Patrol checkpoints. These agents have a slightly easier task that those agents in the field. Personally, I have lost a friend in the line of duty while working for the USBP and have several friends and a cousin working for them. These agents risk their lives by being in the line of duty and in the field...more and more, I have a greater respect for what they do!
  • We have great friends and family who support us...these trips have been augmented with dinners and visits!
  • Testosterone is a powerful thing! Saturday night, we had dinner with our friends who drove in from EC. We went to dinner and ended up in a place televising a MMA main event fright plus the Mayweather-Marquez boxing match. We stayed and watched them for the sheer entertainment of the whole thing.
  • And lastly, this whole time has shown me how lucky I am to be with D! It amazes me that he knows how to do all these manly handyman tasks. Plus, we have been able to connect, talk and spend some real quality time together. Without consistent internet, television or other distractions, it ups the time we spend talking. It's been stressful, but I'm glad that we've been there together to get it all done!

Yeah for accomplishments and lessons learned...that's what it's all about (do the hokey pokey!).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stop the Roller Coaster...I Really Want Off! has been a long time since I blogged. Needless to say, lots has been happening. Lately, life has been one heck of a roller coaster and I am honestly ready to hop off at the next stop. To recap:
  • Meema's Surgery: So, this was quite an event! Her routine robotic hysterectomy (at the age of 87, two weeks shy of 88) was a success...they found nothing to indicate cancer. The cyst was the size of a softball and we have pictures of it, but everything else looked healthy. She came through well, but it was a rough week with her in the hospital. She's now home and doing well. It's amazing to see how her major surgery only created 5 scars, approximately one inch long.
  • Meema's Birthday: We celebrated her 88th birthday at Ruth's. It was all of the regular players plus Cousin Cleveland and Steve (Aspiring Banking Mogul) adding to our group. We had a lot of fun that night and continued it with a carne asada barbecue the next day.
  • Yuma: Our tenant of 3 years gave her notice in August. She told us that she would clean and get the carpets done...WRONG! We've spent the last two weekends working on it and will spend this weekend finishing the work. We have a tenant ready to move in at the end of the month, so that took some stress off us.
  • My Jay Oh Bee: Work is busy...I'm still on hold for the other position...I was supposed to have an interview a week ago, but it got postponed at the last minute.
  • D's Jay Oh Bee: Last Thursday, D got laid off. While the timing and the layoff itself are not a good thing, this probably is the best thing for D. He really needed to get out of there and find another job. Sometimes, in life, a nudge doesn't work and people need a big push. He already has some leads, so I think it should all be fine.

Well, I have lots of other fun things to blog about...I just have not had the time to do so. Take care!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lots on the Mind...

So, I've been in recluse mode lately. There has been so much happening and troubling my little mind that time does not allow me to sit down and put these thoughts into writing. I have lots to blog about and I really have no loving hubs got me a laptop! She is a pretty little red thing and I love it. We've talked about getting me one since I do all the sorority stuff and have run into the bad habit of taking some work home at night. I went to Berkeley a few weeks ago for a Chapter Advisor training...D offered his laptop for my trip, but I declined saying that I wouldn't need it. However, I was probably the only one there without one. After he picked me up from the airport, we went shopping to try out some laptops and I found a Dell I loved. We went home and found a better deal on the Dell Outlet and on July 3, she arrived at the door!

The biggest thing on my mind is Meema. She has been through quite the ringer over the last few weeks and it will continue and hopefully be resolved in August. While I was in Berkeley, she fell while at church. She did not really hurt herself, just some bruising, and was more embarrassed than anything else.

In the midst of all this, she has been having some "female" issues, which is a funny thing to talk about with a woman one month shy of her 88th birthday. She has been undergoing testing over the last few weeks. The tests seems to point to nothing major, but are still some concern to the doctors. After many tests, it was decided that she will be having a hysterectomy on August 17. I'm trying not to worry too much, but it's a lot to digest and begin to come to grips with the mortality of someone I love...and someone I am really not ready to think about leaving my life. Meema and I have always been close...I started spending the night with her at the young age of 10 days old. She is my other mom and has been there for my mom and I through some really rough times in our life! I'm saying extra prayers for her and would like you all to add her to your thoughts and prayers.

The jay oh bee is really busy and I need to get back to work. I promise now with my little red friend by my side...there will be much more blogging!

Friday, June 19, 2009

On a Path...

My dear, poor neglected blog...I am sorry to have abandoned you lately! There is lots swirling and spinning in my head and while I've had many an idea to blog, it's just been too much and too intense to spit out onto virtual paper. A bit of my thoughts include:
  • The value I provide to those in my life...heavy thought, but it's that classic "Who am I? What am I doing here?" question. I know that I give so much of myself (sometimes, too much) to others, but at what value to them and at what cost to me? Over the last year, I've been trying to eliminate those friends who used more than they gave back for a REALLY long time. It's a hard emotional road for me to travel right now...
  • D's job is taking its toll on so many parts of our life right now. First of all, it's taken a chunk out of his confidence. One of the things I fell in love with is D's kick-butt, no care confidence, but for some reason, this job is chipping away at it. I've come to expect for one week of the month he's tied up...early into work and late nights working at home to deal with month end close. However, it's become a more regular thing as he tries to work out issues and get work done. We're making some decisions and plans so that D can get his CPA (at the company expense) and take the next step in his career into a better environment.
  • D and I have started to move forward with our goal of buying a home. We drove around last weekend and found one we love and is in our range. We are in the initial stages of figuring out where we are and where we need to be.
  • Summer is going to be so busy...July is already shaping up to be a busy month for us. July also starts our "rollback" at work. As a result of the current budget situation, we are taking a salary rollback and a 5 calendar day rollback. For us 12-monthers, this means every Friday off in July (with the exception of the 31st). So, anyone with Fridays off, let me know...maybe we can do lunch or something!
  • July is also my 20th (OMG) high school reunion! I've been hitting the gym and prepping for this. I'm really excited to see everyone and catch up. I was initially nervous about it, but thanks to Facebook and catching up with my friends whom I'd lost touch with, it's become something I'm looking forward to.

All in all, lots has been happening...I hope life is well for everyone else!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Conversations with the Hubs!

As I've said before, D and I both work in the same area and have taken to carpooling 3-4 times a week. I love this time together because we can talk about our days at work and what the rest of our time holds. During the carpool time, we listen to something called "War of the Roses". Basically, this is an opportunity for couples to find out who the significant other would send roses to and confront cheating. It is sometimes painful to hear because the recipient is not the one it should be. However, some of these bring out some good conversations for D and I.

This week, there was a married couple on...the wife always lets her husband handle their finances. For some reason, she logged on to their account and saw that her husband had several charges for an escort service. When they called to offer him free roses, his wife was not the recipient. Once confronted, he proceeded to share that he and his "boys" go to strip clubs and hire escorts. He had no problem with this behavior.

This opened a really good discussion between D and I about boundaries of acceptable behavior. He, like I, was incensed that this man saw nothing wrong with this behavior. It then spurred an off shoot topic about sharing with what happens during guy time. It is my opinion and view that I would rather know if the boys end up at a strip club (which never happens with the exception of bachelor parties) or some other place up front from D rather that hearing it later. Otherwise, it seems like shady things are happening that need to be hidden.

The bottom line of this whole post is that these conversations are what keep us interested and talking. We've never had a problem talking, but it made me feel good that something as mindless as this radio bit could inspire such provocative conversation.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back to Work, Already?!?

Happy Tuesday! My first question is why can't 3 days of work go as fast as 3 days off?!? The weekend was good for started off a little rough with a stomach bug Thursday night into Friday, but was good overall!
  • Friday was a relaxing night at home. D and I have both been so overwhelmed with our jobs that the only thing we wanted to do was be on the couch and relax.
  • Saturday morning, we got up to run some errands and have our free breakfast (thanks to a coupon) at Ikea. It turns out Ikea was having some sort of big sale on a chair and bookcase, so there was a huge line out front. The cafe was crowded, but we still were able to have breakfast for two for a whopping $4.33. Then after some more running around, we picked up Mom, Meema and Alicia and headed to Carlsbad for our Sister-in-law's 50th birthday party. We ate some good food and hung out for a while. Dropped the girls back home and then dropped D off for him to go to the Padres game. I was so excited for a me night on the couch eating things he doesn't like (tortellini alfredo) and catching up on the DVR. D came home early (around 8:15 ish) because he had done what he wanted and was cold. We spent the rest of the evening hanging out together.
  • Sunday morning, the stress of everything made D a bear and he blew up. This is so odd because he is so calm and mellow and doesn't usually let things get to him. I decided that rather than get involved with his drama, I'd leave him be. We went to Mom's for a barbecue and went our separate ways, which is odd for us. Mom was nervous and worried because she'd never seen us this way plus everyone else was sensing the tension. After dinner, we finally came together. I was never mad at him, but was just giving him space to clear his mind. The evening ended at our friend's home. They have an adorable 3-legged Chihuahua named Rudolph. They treat him like a baby and by night's end, he was all snuggled into me and we were good friends.
  • Monday morning, I woke up at normal time with a headache. I took some ibuprofen and fell back to sleep hoping it would go away. It subsided and we watched 3:10 to Yuma, which was a pretty good movie. The rest of the day was spent cleaning out things and trying to make home look better.

I'm hoping for a quieter week, but am not sure that will happen. The Boss is on vacation this week, so it's just us in the office to deal with things. After some small hiccups this morning, we're in coast mode. Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and have a great week!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hanging in and Holding on!

So, it's been a while since I've posted. I think about posting a lot, but it's just been so crazy and overwhelming lately. I feel like I sit down at the end of the day and all my brain power has been lost. So much so, that I've stopped watching TV in the evenings because it takes too much out of me and the chatter has been annoying. Instead, I've been on a reading bender finishing two books within a week...I read Mercy by Jodi Picoult and Something Blue by Emily Giffin. Now, I'm getting ready to start The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. I pulled some library shenanigans to make sure that I could read it...I'd seen it in Costco a while back and put it on my "Must Read List". I've loved Wally Lamb ever since I read She's Come Undone when it was an early Oprah's Book Club selection. And now, some updates on my life:
  • Jay Oh Bee: It is the craziest it has ever been! We are in the full force of layoff actions and the impacts. This makes life very interesting because the normal work hasn't gone away. Boss is so great to work for and she keeps us all in the loop, which is a definite change from the last one. She has also provided me with lots of opportunities to attend trainings and work related meetings to increase my knowledge.
  • D is also under lots of work stress. He has a new supervisor who will be good for him, but it's going to be a while until things normalize for him. (Trust me, it's not a good thing to have both partners stressed over their jobs.) He also started physical therapy twice a week for his knee. It seems to be progressing slowly and he is noticing less swelling.
  • Busy Life: Every weekend in May has been really busy for us...last weekend, it was meeting up with some of my high school girlfriends for dinner, D's company picnic, and a going away party (that we couldn't find) and spending time with my mom. This weekend will be no exception to this! We have our sister-in law's 50th birthday party, Mom's barbecue on Sunday and nothing firm on Monday. I'm hoping to find some quiet here soon!

Well, I hope everyone is doing well...take care and have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Alive...Busy..>Doing Well!

Hello, my poor neglected blog! I am so sorry to have neglected you, but life is coming at me from all different angles lately. It's hard to sit down and verbalize what's happening. Especially for me, because I am one of those people that internalizes everything before I express my thoughts and feelings. The little mind has been racing in so many directions lately. Some of what is happening includes:
  • Car trouble that cost us a lot of money...including us learning that D is not allowed to do anything sunroof related on our cars. I can laugh about all this now, but the whole thing cost me lots of tears.
  • Spending a nice Easter with the family and friends at brunch.
  • Working my behind off...the jay oh bee is very busy thanks to the horrendous budget situation in California. It's not a happy thing to be dealing with, but I'm VERY fortunate to be working with someone who keeps me involved in as much as she can.
  • Speaking of the jay oh bee, we did some rearranging over Spring Break, so we all are in close proximity. There are moments of attitude and bitchiness, but it's starting to subside gradually.
  • Mom and Meema are doing well...I still go see them once a week to spend some quality time catching up on things.
  • D and I have been trying to spend more quality time together. We are together a lot after work, but we usually are doing our own thing rather than talking. So, we've been turning off the television and just talking. We've also been spending time at either Spanish Landing relaxing or Mission Bay reading and relaxing. We both realized that our lives are busy and a little overwhelming and we need to connect more.
  • Ran into an employee at work on Monday who started asking me questions about my bio dad. It turns out she is dating a friend of my dad's. I guess they figured out I must be related because of my name. Since bio dad is deceased (and has been for almost 11 years), I didn't ask if she knew my dad because I really didn't care. It was one of those "Six Degrees of Separation" things. The weird part (or normal) is that it didn't bother me too much. Usually, matters of bio dad throw me into a small mental tailspin. I think I am definitely on the way to forgiveness and forgetting all that drama. It will always be a part of me, but I know that I'm lucky to have had another man (my stepdad) take the role of father that my bio dad could never really handle.
  • D went back to the orthopedist on Friday...he fell off his dirt bike in March onto his left knee (not wearing knee pads...grrr!) and has a second degree tear of his PCL. It is the ligament behind his knee cap and it's not one they do surgery on. It's more of a "wait and see" injury. He got the clear to start physical therapy within the next week or so. Except for occasional pain and swelling, he is handling it well.
  • Friday night, I gave into the Bunco pressure. Because there weren't enough people, we didn't play bunco. Instead, we played a game called Things. It was so much fun and I hadn't laughed like that in so long! It's definitely a must do again!
  • We went to our first Lake Elsinore Storm baseball game yesterday. We had so much fun on the drive and just being there. It's a cool experience and I would recommend it to anyone who likes baseball.

This week promises more busyness...last Chapter tonight, dinner with some of D's friends from EC, meeting at CSUSM, hang out with Mom and Meema and lots of work. All in all, things are going well for me...hope all is well out there in blogworld!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break Updates!

Today is my last day of work this week...and I'm only working until 11:00! It's Spring Break and we get tomorrow off as a "holiday". It's been a good work week being casual and less formal. We did some major rearranging in the office this week...every piece of furniture in the office was moved and configurations were changed. The primary motivation for the move was my friend has been stationed (chained) at our front counter. Now, she sits in the same space as the Nastys and she will not be the only one dedicated to service at the front as it has been in the past. Next week should be very interesting...the dynamic has begun to shift and it will only change more being open for business.

This last week has been busy for us personally as well...we got our taxes back, but as usually happens, we had to spend a large (and I mean LARGE) chunk of change on the cars. One car was routine maintenance while the other was unexpected. Initially, I was really upset by this development and it's setback to our plans, but now, I've dealt with it and am ready to move on.

On the upside, Sunday was probably one of our best days in a long time. We've both been in some kind of funk lately...just one of those phases of life that happens every once in a while. Sunday started with meeting one of D's teacher from high school (so random, I know) for breakfast at our favorite, Beach Break Cafe. If you've never been, go! You will wait for a table on the weekends, but their food is so good and it is definitely worth the wait! After breakfast, we headed to Fan Fest at Petco Park. We had some things we wanted to accomplish and we got them all done! After leaving Petco Park, we had a late lunch with one of our friends at the Tilted Kilt. Because we had to pick up friends from the border after their Spring Break in Mexico, we decided to take advantage of the great weather. Instead of waiting at home, we took a blanket and laid on the grass at Spanish Landing/Harbor Island. The weather was amazing and we were treated to watching two cruise ships leave the port. It was definitely a relaxing way to spend some time. We definitely have plans to do this time, we're thinking of doing a picnic. Then, we got the call that our friends had crossed the border, but instead of being in San Ysidro, they were at Otay Mesa. After trekking down, we were able to pass them off to their car and spend a quiet evening relaxing. It really was the most perfect Sunday!

I hope everyone is doing well...take care!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time Flies...The Updates!

Where does time go?!? I swear this past week has been nuts with a capital N! At work, I've been so busy and transient that today is the first day in almost 2 weeks that I am in the office all day with no off site appointments or meetings. I really need that because last week wrecked me and I was very close to having a nervous breakdown as I drove home on Friday night. Some of the highs and lows of my life include:
  • We're getting a refund from both the feds and the state. More for the savings towards the dream!
  • As you may recall, we bought tires for our cars last month. Well, on one car, they have staggered (different size in the front than the back) tires and we replaced the front only. Last Monday, D had a blow out on the back tire, so now we have to buy two tires for that one. The upside is that we had warranty and only are paying for one tire, but it's still not what I want to do right now.
  • Interviewed for a jay oh bee, but didn't make it to the next step. I am surprisingly okay with it...I think things here will be okay and that I have a lot to learn from my new boss. Plus, I'm loving the better working relationship with the boss and the additional responsibilities.
  • Got to have dinner with two of my friends and a sleeping baby...I really needed "girl" time and felt so much better afterwards.
  • Got to see D play softball on Thursday and hang out with him afterwards...this will have to be my fix for a while (see below).
  • Spent the weekend at Mom's with her and our crazy friend from Tucson. Got dinner at family favorite Ruth's that ended with a drunk fall at our doorstep by the crazy friend.
  • Got a Purple Heart good luck token from our crazy friend...he wanted D and I to have it to bring us good luck and fortune in our lives.
  • Verbalized our (D & my) plans about our felt good to say it and put it out there, so people don't think that we are aimless in our lives.
  • Got "sick" from all the weather changes and took a "me" day on Monday to recover before it turned into so much more.
  • D went riding on Saturday with a friend of ours...somehow, D got cut off on his bike and fell on his left knee. With lots of swelling, we spent some time on Sunday in urgent care. Then, after a follow up with an orthopedist on Monday, we found out he has a Grade II sprain of the PCL. Fortunately, it's not a surgery injury, but it will sideline him from softball or other strenuous activity (but not that ;) for 4 to 6 weeks. I was pretty upset by this whole thing (including crying while waiting in urgent care) and didn't yell, but pulled the "Your decisions (to not wear his knee pads which would have lessened the blow) don't just impact you have to think of me" card. The upside is that it's not a horrible injury, but it's still scary.

I feel like I've been on a crazy roller coaster the last few weeks and am ready to hop off for some nice boring down time. Next week is Spring Break at work, so it will be catch up time. I hope everyone else is doing well...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Alive and Kicking...I Think!

Yes...I am still alive, barely, but still alive and kicking. This month has been crazy and I haven't had a moment to blog...or when I do, I am tired and choose bonding with my couch and DVR over blogging. I've also had so much running around in my head that I don't seem to be focused enough to blog. We've also been socially active which doesn't happen too often as much as it did this month.

We celebrated D's birthday to begin the month. Again, I took us to Seau's Legends Party. It is so much fun...a party complete for $55 per person which included food from a variety of San Diego restaurants, free gaming, dancing and other entertainment. It is attended by a variety of local and national sports celebrities. Last year, we had the fortune to meet Dermontti Dawson who played with the Pittsburgh Steelers. He is so nice and spent lots of time talking to us and hanging out. This year, we ran into him again and spent a long time with him at the blackjack table. We had quite the laugh over the girls trying to hit on him (he's married)and took pictures with us.

Before the craziness

After the craziness

The next night was actually D's birthday. We took him to dinner at the family favorite (Ruth's Chris) and had a great night. I think D actually had a good time and was touched by the family.

The next weekend was our annual All Greek reunion. Once again, I was designated driver for the evening. I am still amazed after all these years (5 to be exact) that women can get together and have a drink and be civil. Whereas, the men (fraternity boys) all act like they're back in college. It's funny to watch...especially D taking shots and being hungover the next morning! I ran into the one (former) friend that pushed me to make my resolution of losing those friends who do nothing, but bring me down. She said hello and gave me a hug and said nothing else to me the rest of the evening. I think I got the hello and hug just because I was with a group of people she wanted to say hello to. It felt fine...I guess I've made a huge step regarding that resolution!

The jay oh bee is good and I am still cautiously optimistic about the situation. New boss is so different and keeps pulling me into things that I was never involved with before. I feel good about things...I have an interview on Wednesday for her former position. I'm feeling like I'm in a potentially win-win situation...if I stay, it's good, but if I get this promotion, it's also good. She has been encouraging and shared that she doesn't want me to leave, but understands that I need to do what is best for my career. The other upside about the promotion is that it would move me closer to realizing some of my dreams.

I'm really trying to take things one step at a time rather than looking at big pictures. When I do, I can feel it throw me into a small tizzy! It's all a process...have a great day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm Alive...Just Lagging

I am seriously lagging in tbe blog post fact, once I upload photos, I am planning on doing a "While the Cat's Away" post. For some reason, I can't seem to get myself straight right now. I'm busy, but not so much that I can't sit down for a few minutes and blog. For the most part, things are good and progressing...

Jay Oh Bee: Old boss' last day was Thursday. It was an odd day around here with a weird mood. New boss started on Monday. Since old boss left, it's been oddly friendly around these parts. I'm cautiously optimistic and happy, but still worried that I am being lulled into a false sense of security and that my body will end up in a dumpster. New boss brings a whole different energy and vibe to the office. She is positive and funny...we met this morning and had a great talk about things. She's asked me to attend a regional meeting with her next week and is getting me involved with things that I should be. I think that we will make a good team. I'm also working on the application for her old position just to see if I can make the next step in my career. We'll see what happens...

Life: Things are just busy in our lives...D was gone for a long weekend with the boys and it threw us out of whack. The next few weeks are going to be busy with events (D's birthday, All Greek reunion and so much more) that I almost feel like I need to take a day off and spend it at home to clean and organize.

Well...I hope life is good for everyone! Take care!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

4 Day Weekend into 3 Day Work Week!

I love 3 day weekends and this one was no exception...
  • Friday: After work, we decided to take care of getting tires for the SUV. Originally, this was going to be a tax refund project, but since D is driving to Arizona in it this week, it moved up the priority list. We went to Mission Valley Costco with the idea of killing time at Ikea during installation. WRONG! Poway (and Albuquerque) had our tires, so we headed north to Poway. The good thing about this Costco is that it is not usually busy. We placed our tire order and were told it would be ready around closing time (8:30) which meant almost 2 hours of time to kill. My Friday sleepy (and hungry) mindset was not digging this idea, but after some samples, time flew. We only bought one thing after wandering down every (and I mean every) aisle...D bought me a taste of Spain cookbook. We got lucky and our installation was done at 8:00. Then, D took me to Seau's for dinner...he called it our pre Valentine's dinner.
  • Saturday: Because we had bought tires for 2 (yes 2) cars in one week, we also had the expense of getting them aligned. So, off we went to the alignment center. After dropping both cars off, we walked to IHOP for breakfast. Apparently, everyone decided to do a Vday breakfast at IHOP...I have never seen it so crowded. After a nice breakfast together, we picked up the cars and went off on our errands for the day (haircut for D, last stop for D's supplies for Arizona, and Iowa Meat Farms). At Iowa Meats, we picked up our Vday dinner...marinated tri-tip. The rest of the evening was dinner (tri-tip, Caesar salad and garlic mashed potatoes)...we even broke out the big Mikasa balloon glasses...and spent some quality time together.
  • Sunday: We got up with all intentions of going for a walk, but after breakfast at Tip Top Meats in Carlsbad, it didn't happen. Instead, we drove out to 4S Ranch and shopped at World Market (so much I want there) and their amazing Ralphs for some groceries. After trekking through the county, we made it home for some more relaxation. Dinner was more from Iowa Meats (Italian herb marinated kabobs) and pasta with homemade pesto.
  • Monday: D had to run and meet someone to exchange stuff and I decided to stay in. I looked outside and saw the pouring rain and wanted no part in it. While he was out, I was quite the homemaker. I marinated chicken for dinner, baked some monster chocolate chip pecan cookies and made lasagna rolls for another night's dinner. It made it nice and cozy. I even got to talk to Cousin Cleveland and catch up with him. It was nice to catch up with him since I haven't talked to him for a while.

This week is kind of a mellow week at's Ski Week or February recess for the schools. District office staff has Monday and Friday holidays this week...two 3-day weekends in a row for me...Sweet! Plus, since we're basically closed, it's comfy clothes (jeans) everyday. Today, new boss is here...she took us to lunch as a start to our time together. Speaking of new boss, she mentioned that she saw that I have a FB account because of the District network...this was weird for me. I guess it doesn't bother me as much since my profile is private and I don't post inappropriately. Anyways, D leaves after work for his boys Spring Training weekend in Arizona. Except for some things scheduled, I'm looking forward to some me time and maybe some house cleaning (yuck!) that really needs to be done. Have a great day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Early V Day!

Because I'm not sure what the rest of today and tomorrow holds as far as time, I decided to blog a little about V Day! I was (and still am) a believer that Valentines Day is just an overrated Hallmark holiday. I've always thought that if the person I was with couldn't tell me how much they love me on the other 364 days of the year, then he shouldn't waste money on overpriced flowers and other things. I've also had some pretty bad Valentines Days...most notable, in college when I hosted a single girl Vday party. A girl I knew casually came and we all lamented about our boy issues. I talked at length about a boy that I liked and we were trying to figure out where we stood. I found out a few days later that this girl and the boy I liked had started dating (she had a 1st date with him on the 15th). I was crushed! Then, most recently, on our 1st Vday together, we had a terrible night and then fight that caused us to take a "break" for 2 weeks. It was awful!

Since then, I fell in love with an amazing man in spite of our early Vday trauma. We now make it a point to stay home, make dinner and just make it our special place for the evening. I realize that the commercialism of Vday is what you make of it. Instead, for me, it's a reminder of how lucky I am to be in love and have someone who loves me. So, to my friends, happy Valentine's Day! May every day be filled with love! And to D, the love of my life, happy Valentine's Day! I love you lots and lots!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to Blogging!

Long time, no blogging. I've had so much happening in the last few weeks with lots of jumbled thoughts that I haven't had the drive to put it into writing. I also feel, sometimes, that my blog is about a whole lot of nothing...basically, things that no one wants to read except me. But, in keeping with the 2009 list, I'm back to blog.
  • I didn't get the jay oh bee and am okay with it. Except for the look of disdain from the Nastys when I was commended for my drive and knowledge, I've gotten nothing, but positive encouraging responses from everyone around me. I am a firm believer in "right place right time" philosophy and am pretty sure there is a reason that this didn't work out.
  • I reconnected with some friends from high school last week. We found each other on Facebook as we prepare for our 20 (yikes!) year reunion. We had so much fun catching up and even closed the restaurant. Some of us have changed and some of us are the same. It was fun to hear about our lives up to this point.
  • I spent last weekend at home and did a whole bunch of nothing! D and I did some errands on Friday after work, but once I got home, I never left until Monday morning for work. I didn't even get mail or take trash out. I spent a lot of time with the couch and relaxing. I think after the week I'd had, I needed the serious veg time.
  • I've been trying to focus on all the positives in my life, but still get sucked into the "what I don't have" complex. I understand the path idea, but sometimes it's hard for me to not be overwhelmed and depressed by things.
  • I had a talk with the new boss D2. I saw her at a staff development day conference last week. She asked me how things were going and I laid it out to her. I hadn't intended doing it until she got here, but she asked and I couldn't waste the chance. She was in shock at some of the things I said...she said that things would be different from her last time at the District...she was coming back in a totally different capacity. She also told me that we were going to be working very close together and I would be her right hand. While talking to her, I really tried to assess if she was just telling me what I wanted to her or was honest. I really felt like she listened to me and it made her accountable coming into this situation. At the end of the conversation, I felt such a relief that I wanted to cry. Someone actually listened to me and is going to do something. Since then, I've talked to her each workday and she is in the office today...her official start date isn't until March 2.
  • After the talk with D2, I am a little conflicted. I am still going to apply for her position (good starting place for me). I also feel (as of today) that staying in my current job will allow me to gain some additional knowledge and really do my job.
  • I talked to soon to be retired boss last week...kind of our last debrief. He apologized ("My bad") for not getting me involved in certain things. I think that a lot of our office issues are his responsibility and his lack of action created this monster.
  • I've been dragging myself to the gym even when I've been dog tired. It helps and makes me feel like all the excuses I make are lame. Last night, I wanted to switch it up and took a turbo kick boxing class. I felt totally uncoordinated for most of the class, but kicked butt in the workout. I've noticed my clothes being looser and my face not being as full.

I think this year has become the year of finding my inner voice and realizing that I am a pretty phenomenal person. It's also become a confidence boosting time for me...I really feel like I'm pulling myself through the negativity I've harbored for myself and making some real positive changes. Here to a continued path in 2009!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wee...Stop this Rollercoaster!

So, the last few days has been quite the roller coaster of emotion...from the highs to the lows and everything in between. I am so dog tired from this today, I'm trying to keep my head up, eyes open and from hitting my desk. I'm thinking a lunchtime power nap may be in order.

Saturday was the baby shower of two friends. Normally, I detest all things shower related, but this was one of the best times I've had. It was so much fun to talk and catch up with a group of women who are all in similar places. It's also nice to know that in this crazy life there are people who are my support and can make me laugh...thanks girls! The rest of the day was pretty mellow and included me watching "the red carpet premiere" (Lifetime's words, not mine) of Prayers for Bobby. It was good and thought provoking, but I'm not sure that it was worth me wasting 2 hours of my time.

Sunday morning was an odd one at home...I think we were both in funky moods and it took some time for that to normalize. After running some errands, we decided to go for a walk in Carlsbad. We parked on Carlsbad Village Drive, walked down to the beach and all the way to the Power Plant before heading back. We think it was close to a 3 mile walk. We stopped for a snack before making some other stops. Sunday night at home was spent prepping for Monday and relaxing.

Monday was a VERY long day that began with me leaving at 7:00 for work and return at midnight from the day. The morning started with some drama with an interview panel that was solved pretty quickly. And then, at 11:50 a.m., I had my interview. I felt better prepared for this and had done some good thinking thanks to a director emailing me some feedback and things to think about and prepare for the interview. The interview was our 3 commissioners and the Associate Superintendent. It was a little intimidating to lay out my experience, but the biggest question knocked me for a loop..."Since you work for us, you have a slight advantage and know the situation. Tell us about what needs to be addressed in your department. Please feel free to be candid and know that anything you say in here will be held in the strictest confidence." My first thoughts ranged from "do you have the rest of the day? if I say it, am I sabotaging myself?" I had thought a lot about this issue and figured that it might come up at some point, so I was prepared to answer in a professional manner without emotion. At the end of the interview, I thanked them for their time and mentioned that I hope I wasn't too candid. Their response was that this was the time to be candid. On my way back to my office, I stopped and did a debrief with the director who sent me feedback. Talking to her, I reaffirmed my true feelings about the outcome. Regardless, if it's me or someone else, things are going to change and for the best. By participating in this process, I was able to get myself noticed professionally and there are opportunities for me to grow either in a new position or in my current position.

So, as if that wasn't enough, the boss' retirement party was that afternoon. The Nastys did all the work and never included us in any of the plans. As I saw the party (and how tacky it was), I started feeling emotional. Then, during the presentation of the bell ( a district retirement tradition), our boss made a speech. He called the 4 of us up and proceeded to thank each of us individually in front of those gathered. It was overwhelming and unexpected. At the end of the party, we banded together to get everything cleaned up.

At this point, I wanted to go home and have a drink and relax, but wait, there's more to my day. Monday was the first meeting of the new semester with the new officers for the Chapter. Typically, this is the longest meeting of the semester. I made it to San Marcos just before the 6:00 exec meeting thinking I could grab something to eat there. Wrong! My choices for food was a convenience store full of prepackaged sandwiches (none of which appealed to me) and chips. I chose Munchies snack mix and a Snapple to tide me over. The new exec seems to be so on top of things already. I am hoping for a great year with no drama. After lots of meeting segments, I finally left San Marcos at 11:30 and got home at midnight. I was hungry, but the thought of late night fast food did not appeal to me (who am I?!?). Instead, I snacked on some remnants in the fridge. I think I crawled into bed around 12:30 a.m.

Somehow, I am up and at work this morning. The last few days has been quite the roller coaster of emotion and will continue for the rest of the week. I should hear something regarding a decision within the week. Back to work now...have a good day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday Progress Report!

Happy Tuesday! It was very nice to have yesterday off to accomplish a few things including going to the gym (alone), catching up with the new president, and making (at D's request) a pretty darn good cream of mushroom soup for dinner last night. In fact, I continue to roll on with my little accomplishments with some hiccups along the way. The latest updates:
  • Jay Oh Bee: After much trepidation and hesitation while being sick, I managed to get my application done and submitted for the boss's job. This morning, after more nervousness, I went through the first round of interviews. Honestly, I don't know that this is the right job for me, but I decided to go through the process for some more practice. Also, someone I trust here at work talked to me about this change and what it could mean for me. She also told me that no one knows I'm interested if I don't express my interest. As a coincidence (or not), she was on one of the panels and managed to make me feel good and proud of my accomplishments. I'll see what happens and have put it into a higher power's hands.
  • Housing Dreams: Sunday morning, D and I drove around some neighborhoods looking at houses. While we are not quite there yet, it refocused our intentions.
  • Gym Attendance: We made an effort and went to the gym last week and then, I went on my own yesterday. I feel like I am hitting the stride by heading to the gym. Granted, it still is not my favorite thing to do, but it is a great way to release some of this pent up energy.
  • D and I went on a date on Saturday...actually, it was a double date. One of D's friends from Utah is in a master's program in San Bernardino and needed a break. He and his girlfriend, Irena, came down. So, the four of us went to dinner at the Turf Supper Club and then, Extraordinary Desserts. Sunday morning, the four of us had breakfast at Pipes. It was fun and happened in spite of my pouty mood all day on Saturday.

All in all, things are good and seem to be progressing. Take care!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009...So Far

So far, 2009 has been pretty decent to me...with the exception of the bug that is living in me. I've been some kind of sick since Christmas and still am not feeling 100%. My visit to Urgent Care yielded a sinus issue diagnosis complete with horse pill antibiotics. I just about start to feel better and then it hits again. But, I'm not blogging to complain. Instead, I wanted to lay out my simple progress to achieving my 2009 goals..
  • Went to the gym this week and pushed myself way past my initial excuses and comfort level to work up quite a sweat...but I need to add some new stuff to my iPod this weekend to keep the motivation level up.
  • Have a 1st interview for the Director (my boss') job next Tuesday. Was not feeling all that confident about it when I turned in my application, but have decided to just ride out the process and see what happens.
  • Spent some quality time with D...nothing doing much, but just taking the time to really talk about things and what's in our heads. Sometimes, this is hard for me because I tend to hold it all in rather than sharing.
  • Spoke up for something I was annoyed with at work and I'm still alive :) I was so nervous, but wanted to be a positive change agent rather than let this little thing fester into something so much bigger. The boss was impressed and thanked me for the suggestion.
  • Watched the Oprah episode on spirituality which gave me some real thinking points and made me realize it's all connected!

Overall, 2009 has been pretty good to me so far! I do keep thinking about Michael and his philosophy of life...because of the short and precious nature of life, that was one heck of a way to live life! Hope 2009 is good for everyone!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Celebration of Life

Warning...this blog has a heavy subject matter...I just returned from a celebration of life at Mission Bay for Michael. While I did not personally know Michael, his mother Susan and my Mom have been friends for close to 40 years. Mom asked me to attend to show our support for Susan during this difficult time. Michael was Susan's only child (I am an only child and am pretty sure this is hitting my mom pretty heavily for that reason).

Michael was born on December 1, 1967 and died on January 1, 2009 at the young age of 41 years old. Michael was a nurse and very active in his life...he was married and leaves behind 2 cute daughters (almost age 4 and age 2). In August 2007, after feeling like something wasn't right and 3 doctors confirmed, Michael was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease). For those of you who don't know, this is a horribly debilitating disease with a typical time lapse of 2-5 years from diagnosis to death. For Michael, it was less than 18 months.

All those who spoke of Michael shared his view on life. He lived life on his terms until the end of his life. It was even said that a neighbor took him hang gliding within the last few months of his life with his breathing machine and all. His philosophy was to Live Life to it's fullest; Live Purposefully and Live Passionately. Listening to those speak about Michael and watching his daughters, I got caught in the eternal debate about death. What is the purpose of Michael dying so young and leaving a wife and young children behind? I rationally understand the plan of life, but emotionally wrestle with this kind of loss. I guess these are the mysteries of this life. Today only made me appreciate life all that much more and those that I share my life with.

So, Michael, while I never met you personally, rest in peace. God Bless your family as they remember you and grieve. And, to all those who read this, thank you for your presence in my life and never take granted those around you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009...My Resolution Wish List

Happy 2009! Since I've been home this week, I watched Oprah's Best Life Week. Hearing her talk about her failures and how she's getting back on track made me think about how to make 2009 my best year. I am not one to make resolutions, but I've started a list of my aspirations for this year. Here goes...

1. Finally accept that I am "all that and a bag of chips". For quite a long time in my life, I've been succeptible to the "I'm not good enough" complex. So much so, that it has impacted my past relationships and sometimes creeps into my life now. Instead, I've decided to embrace me and know that I am pretty darn great and have accomplished! I really need to hone this feeling because of two events this year, the annual Greek reunion and my 20th (yikes!) class reunion.

2. Forgive the much as I say I'm over things from my past, I think I still hold onto pieces of it. I can't confront the anger and sadness face to face because the person has passed, but I can let it go. It's time to finally release this baggage!

3. Stand up for myself and stop accepting the putdowns of certain "so called" friends. For example, I have a friend who started treated me badly a few years ago after she'd been married with a child and I had lost some weight. Last year, I reached out to her after her divorce and she totally ignored it. I'm a damn good friend and am done with being the doormat.

4. Cultivate my good friendships and make those my priority.

5. Get healthy...I don't have to be rockstar bodacious, but a little less "fluffy" would work for me. I really want to be in good shape, so when it's time to take the next step into parenthood, I'm prepared physically.

6. Continue to get financially back on track. I will admit that I did live above and beyond my means for quite a while. It's not an easy path, but I am so motivated to move forward. Plus, watching HGTV has motivated us to stay focused so that we can buy something within the next year.

7. Date my husband and put the zing back into our relationship...just because we are an old married couple, it doesn't mean that we can't still date. So, we've aimed for a date once a week. I think by consciously putting this out there, we will make the quality time for each other.

8. Embrace the things I love and get better at them...starting with cooking and moving into other areas.

9. Find my way back to some sort of spirituality. I was raised Catholic and am not sure that's where I want to go right now, but am feeling like I need to renew that spiritual connection. I've also decided to keep a journal with thoughts I see and inspire me.

10. Make some kind of career move...whether it be a promotion, move to another job or stay where I am, I need to solidify my career path.

This is a good start...I'm sure the list will grow and change over the's wishing you a great 2009 and hoping it's your best year ever!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking Back on 2008

I've seen this in some blogs this morning and thought that the best way to move ahead is to look back and reflect. In 2008:

January: Commemorated Papa's (my grandfather) 30th anniversary since he passed away with Mom and Meema at a mass dedicated to him followed by breakfast; had last lunch with a friend who is no longer my friend.

February: Rocked out (for my love's sake) at an Iron Maiden concert; found out the power of words and gossip and what they can do to a friendship; sent my husband off to Spring Training in Arizona; traveled (the day of the worst storm in the east of the season) to Philadelphia with Mom and Meema to surprise my cousin who was turning 40; endured horrendous customer service, cried and used my then 86 year old Meema as proof why they needed to get us on a flight; had a great whirlwind weekend filled with family and cheesesteaks (yum).

March: Celebrated D's birthday by attending Junior Seau's Legends Party; Reunited with friends for our annual Greek party; celebrated Easter dinner family style at Ruth's; went to our sushi class at Great News and decided that for all the trouble, it is better to just go out and eat it rather than make it, but still had lots of fun.

April: Went to the EC for D's uncles funeral and found out during the viewing that Baby E was getting ready to make his debut into the world; Baby E was born; went to our first Padres game of the season with such high hopes.

May: Celebrated Mother's Day with the family; interviewed for a job and did not get it (they already knew who they wanted to hire); did a girls night and watched Sex and the City.

June: Attended our niece's baby shower; our nephew's high school graduation; 40th birthday party of a friend; sold my Jetta.

July: Went to Arizona for Convention; came home, unpacked, repacked and left the next day for our belated honeymoon trip to Seattle and Vancouver; had the most amazing time; celebrated the July family birthdays; said goodbye to a friend who moved away (still miss you).

August: Endured massive amounts of stress finding the perfect navy and khaki outfit; met Baby E for the first time and fell in love with him; took multi generation matchy matchy family photos; helped plan and execute Meema's birthday party/Baby E welcome party.

September: Had another interview for a job that they already knew who they wanted; kept busy with the day to day; attended a wedding on a cruise ship before it sailed; got pooped on by a seagull before boarding; and met our grandniece all in the same day.

October: Attended D's 20th high school reunion; Had another round of interviews (made the decision difficult, but didn't get this one either); reconnected with a former boss at brunch and realized all the BS is just that.

November: Made a difficult decision that will only make my future easier; went to a Girls only brunch; celebrated our first anniversary with D and realized once again how lucky I am to be married to such an amazing man; enjoyed our first Thanksgiving as a married couple.

December: Had a scary letter from the Blood Bank throw me into full blown migrraine state only to be reassured that all was good; had our 9th annual Ornament Exchange; attended D's holiday party; celebrated my birthday; switched it up for Christmas Eve and got the flu to end the year.

My 2008 was all that it should have been filled with highs, lows, laughter, tears and everything in between. Even though it was trying at times, I wouldn't change it for anything. Here's to a great 2009!