Friday, October 23, 2009

Fabulous Friday!

Happy's fabulous, but then again every Friday is usually fabulous! This week has been a roller coaster complete with more Nasty drama, but in keeping with the positive nature, we're going to skip right over all that garbage. Now, on to the good things:
  • Watching D study and be so focused on his 1st CPA prep class. It's going to be a lot of work for him, but it will definitely pay off in the long run.
  • Thursday night dinner with Mom and Meema...D joined us as well. Plus, I got to see the boys (Oneder and Buttons).
  • Dinner at Sammy's Woodfired Pizza to support the Chapter's fundraising efforts
  • Seeing the girls at dinner and them saying hello to us...commenting later, how cute Meema is!
  • Having discussions about potential life changes and knowing that in the end, it's all going to be okay...somehow or some way, it will all work out and we have an amazing support system!

We have some fun things planned this weekend, so I'm looking forward to the end of the day to get this weekend started! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

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