Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday...Enough Said!

So, as we all know, I am trying not to be a Negative Nelly, but let me tell you...I hit the wall this past weekend! All of the stress and anxiety came flooding my body and hit me like a ton of bricks! I got the migraine of all migraines on Saturday...complete with nausea and all the other nasty side effects. It's been a while since I've had one this bad...so bad, I had to cancel our plans to attend a friend's Halloween party and that I had to spend the night at Mom's. D and I had stopped by on our way to the party, but the headache I'd been nursing turned into a migraine. I couldn't get anything down to take medicine and could not fathom a car ride home. Instead, I spent the night there. Three days later, I still have the dull headache. In all this negativity releasing from my system, I still have managed to come up with a list today...
  • Friday night impromptu date night with D...Balboa Park and dinner
  • Walking around LaJolla and checking out the Children's Pool and seals
  • Realizing, yet again, how much love I have in my life with my family and D
  • Realizing I need to find a way to really let all my stress out...or else, I could get migraines like this one more often.
  • Wild Animal Park visit...meeting Amara, the cheetah
  • Visiting with a friend from Hawaii and him bringing us chocolate covered macadamia nuts
  • D having another phone interview this morning that went well...with a second interview to come soon.

All in all, life is still progressing. Oh, an update to the bacteria issues on my legs...I have a referral appointment with a dermatologist on Monday to see what's happening there. They're a little smaller, but not healed. Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fabulous Friday!

Happy Friday...it's fabulous, but then again every Friday is usually fabulous! This week has been a roller coaster complete with more Nasty drama, but in keeping with the positive nature, we're going to skip right over all that garbage. Now, on to the good things:
  • Watching D study and be so focused on his 1st CPA prep class. It's going to be a lot of work for him, but it will definitely pay off in the long run.
  • Thursday night dinner with Mom and Meema...D joined us as well. Plus, I got to see the boys (Oneder and Buttons).
  • Dinner at Sammy's Woodfired Pizza to support the Chapter's fundraising efforts
  • Seeing the girls at dinner and them saying hello to us...commenting later, how cute Meema is!
  • Having discussions about potential life changes and knowing that in the end, it's all going to be okay...somehow or some way, it will all work out and we have an amazing support system!

We have some fun things planned this weekend, so I'm looking forward to the end of the day to get this weekend started! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thoughtful Tuesday

Good Morning and welcome to Tuesday! Monday went relatively smoothly...
  • D's interview went well. One of the people he was slated to meet with was sick, but he met with the big boss. D has some strengths and knowledge that this person and the department is lacking. They were also "old company" refugees :)
  • Making a simple dinner of BLOATs (bacon, lettuce, onion, avocado and tomato sandwich) and tater tots
  • Relaxation time together
  • Watching the Chargers game and cheering and yelling loudly
  • Talking to Mom and hearing that D is worried about me...for the record, I'm not having a pity party for 1. I just feel like I've reached my emotional capacity for dealing with the curves that keep getting thrown our way. Being a person of some faith, I know that this is not true and that I am never given more than I can handle, but right now, my stress cup runneth over!

Okay, now story time...I know I talk about the Nastys and the drama that they cause each day. Already, this morning is no exception! So, a person from another department (K) brought our office a beautifully wrapped (with fall decor and leaves from her tree at home) loaf of bread as a Happy Fall gesture. The conversation that followed:

Nice Co-Worker: K brought us some bread
Nasty: Why?
In My Head (Not Said Aloud...my filter does work sometimes): Because that's was nice people do!

Rather than saying, "Oh, that was nice," or something equally cordial or even saying nothing, the response is Why? Really, this is what I have to deal with?!?

BTW, the bread was really good! Nice and I each had a piece, while the Nastys turned it down. Oh, and I sent a thank you email to K...it's what nice people do!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! I am in a decently good mood this morning thanks to a great weekend spent with D. It was the perfect combination of activity mixed with relaxation. With all that's happening in our lives right now, we definitely need some good quality time together! So, Monday's momentous list...
  • Catching up on the DVR...The Office was not so good this week, but still loving everything else. Although, Ugly Betty was a little off as well.
  • Saturday morning at the Little Italy Mercato. If you've never been, go! It's so much fun to walk around checking out all the great food and produce.
  • Saturday afternoon trip walking around Kobey's Swap Meet. I bought a pair of gently used shoe boots for $1. And, if they had been my size, I'd have bought a nice pair of Nine West peep toe heels that would have been perfect for work.
  • Dinner at friends' home...it was a nice relaxing evening catching up.
  • Sunday at the San Diego Zoo. What a perfect place to spend a Sunday! We had fun walking around and see all the great animals including the new Elephant Odyssey exhibit where we got to see an elephant getting bathed and having a pedicure! She was soaking her feet in a bath...it was amazing! Like children, we kept laughing and pointing at each other saying, "You," and responding, "Belong in the zoo, the San Diego Zoo,". This was an old advertising campaign for the zoo.
  • Bonus #1...Cousin Cleveland will no longer have this distinction. By Thanksgiving, he will once again be a San Diegan. After much debate and hesitation, he is moving home. He has a job and place to live...it's just a matter of wrapping up his loose ends in Cleveland. Yeah, for having the core of the family all together again!
  • Bonus #2...Long life changing discussions that are both necessary and therapeutic!

So, the weekend was pretty good for us! I'm still a little stressed about things, but am trying to take that giant leap of faith and know that everything will be okay. On that note, think of D today around 3:00 and send some good vibes his way...he has an interview. Happy Monday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday Tidings!

Happy Thursday! Not much to say except that, so now on to my list:

  • Founders' Day Dinner with the Chapter and Alumnae...had fun catching up with friends and seeing the girls represent themselves in a good manner
  • Red carnation gift...the boys of ZBT came by dinner and gave everyone a red carnation (our Chapter flower)...it was really cute!
  • D and I getting ready together this morning...he was taking a class this morning and had to be up and out the door at the same time I was. I miss our morning routine.
  • D's interview got postponed until Monday, but he heard that he is a candidate for another job...one that would not require as long of a drive, but he's keeping all his options open.
  • Hitting the last 30 pages (or less) in my book....I love it, but at the same time, don't want to see it end!

Hope everyone has a happy Thursday...you can see the weekend from here!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tired Tuesday!

Ugh...I am so tired this morning! Last night's Chapter was a rough one...so rough, that I managed to lose my cool and composure multiple times. While I am passionate and love what I do working with the girls, sometimes it really pushes me to the edge of my patience. I was so worked up by the whole thing that it took me until after 1:00 to be calm enough to fall asleep. I even came home and treated myself to a big bowl of Top Ramen (I was hungry) and Bravo. Nothing like cheap noodles, Rachel Zoe and the vapid Realtors of Million Dollar Listing to take the stress level down a notch or two! Today's list is a little rough considering what a roller coaster ride last night was...
  • D finding dress shirts at a good price
  • Feeling such passion and pride for what I do with the Chapter
  • Knowing when to step back and apologize for behavior, but not beliefs
  • Looking for (and finding a day later) Flat Stanley...one of our ESS Supervisors accidentally mailed him to us
  • The sky between the clouds...such a pretty contrast to the black dark clouds

All in all, I still love what I do with the Chapter. Every semester has a moment where I want to give it all up and walk away. I've always said that the semester I make it through without quitting is the time for me to quit. Regardless of all the frustration, I still love working with the girls and connecting with them. So much so, that I am giving up a weekend to go to Big Bear for their Chapter retreat (mandated by the University). If I didn't care so much, it wouldn't bother me. Hope your Tuesday is a good one!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Musings!

Happy Monday! I took a little blogging hiatus in favor of some quality ME time! I also spent a good chunk of my time with D...it was nice and what I needed. So, now, on to my Monday list:
  • Catching up on the DVR...isn't it great that Pam (from The Office) calls her grandma "Meema" also! Too funny and what a great episode!
  • Saturday baby shower with my great friends! It's amazing how we've all evolved together. We met while planning our weddings and now are just amazing friends!
  • Saturday night laziness which led into Sunday laziness on the couch with D.
  • Somehow, pulling a new suit together for D is a very short amount of time. He has an interview this week and needed a suit for it.
  • Cuddles to start my week after the alarm went off, but before I had to get up.

Today is a long day for me...work, then staright to Chapter. I'm hoping that it won't be too long of a night, but I'm thinking it will still be after 10:00 when I get home. Have a good Monday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fantastic Friday!

Woo Hoo...it's Friday! I've made it through the first week of the boss being on vacation...not totally scar free, but it makes me think I can survive next week with her gone. I've even been called into the Big Boss' office to answer a question normally reserved for my boss. Check me out! The aspiring boss in me allowed me to have a discussion without sounding like I'd just learned how to speak! So, on that note, here's my Friday list:
  • Thursday night dinner and conversation (with a little laundry mixed in) with Mom, Meema, Oneder and Buttons
  • Seeing the doctor and finding out I am neither worse nor better...we're in the wait and see mode...I have to call him back in about 7-10 days before we decide (if there is) the next course of action.
  • Finishing the nasty double strength antibiotics today...maybe that means a glass of wine or something this weekend!
  • No plans tonight except catching up on the DVR (Biggest Loser, Top Chef, The Office, The Good Wife) and spending some quality time with D
  • Coming home to a freshly made bed and a clean bathroom (I almost didn't recognize it!) last night
  • BONUS: The new season of Degrassi: The Next Generation starts tonight! Yes, I know I sometimes have the TV viewing habits of a 16-year old girl, but I love this show! It is based out of Canada and yielded the musician Drake (he played Jimmy Brooks on the show for several seasons).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thursday everyone! I'm a little tired this morning, but ready to roll with my list:

  • Book (book, what book?!?) club last night
  • Catching up with my friends and talking about anything and everything
  • Moving in the direction where being a mom doesn't scare the life out of me...or until the "contraption" came out :)
  • The amazing food last night...especially the grilled 3 cheese sandwich!
  • The honesty of my friends and our bond...it means a lot to me and our times together come at just that moment when it is really needed!

Well, I hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WooHoo Wednesday!

So, I'm trying to switch up my titles each day to not be redundant...so here's my Wednesday list:

  • Made my first small batch of soup last night...didn't realize that I had forgotten one ingredient until I was in the middle of eating it, but it was still really good! I love fall and making soups
  • Spending a quiet night at home without the TV on with D
  • D's first module materials for the CPA prep class arrived yesterday and he is so excited and ready to start. He's even started reading and looking at the material for the class which begins on October 20.
  • Not getting too sick yesterday and keeping my dinner last night (sorry, for the graphic reference...it's a big accomplishment after Monday night's incident)
  • Finding out that Meema's fever is nothing to worry about and normal with what she has going on right now (wow! aren't we a healthy family!)

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Tidings!

Well, I spoke too soon...the reactions from the antibiotics did not subside, but came on much stronger last night. I couldn't even take them yesterday because I was not feeling well. Even in the darkest, sickest moments, I still have things to be grateful for:
  • Unexpected Yahoo chat with a friend (should have been on yesterday's list)
  • D has a second interview for a job next week
  • D being so concerned about me that he called my mom to let her know and get some input on what to do for me
  • Aspiring New York Banking Mogul treating us to dinners while he was in town
  • Surviving the first day of my boss' two week vacation without losing my patience

Today is a pretty mellow work day and I should be able to coast through. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Moments!

I will admit that Monday, especially this Monday, is a difficult day to find things in life for which I am grateful. However, with my new attitude and in a massive attempt to clear the little black cloud from over my head, there are still things to acknowledge.
  • Overcoming the bad nausea from the antibiotics in a short period of time this morning
  • The fall morning air...feels a little cooler today
  • Mini Nilla Wafers for breakfast...so not healthy, but so good!
  • No Chapter tonight...heading home to relax
  • Starting a new book and getting lost in it already

All in all, things aren't so bad...I'm hoping that the reactions to the antibiotics will ease up and not last all week. I am alive....that is definitely one thing to be grateful for! Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Thanks!

First of all, before I make my Sunday list, I am okay...I'm on some heavy duty antibiotics to clear what they think I have. I go back on Friday to see if I am any better. So, on that note, my Sunday list:
  • Realizing that the Chargers deserve to lose games if they continue to play so horribly
  • Having a nice fresh fish barbecue with friends and family
  • Sleeping in past 6:00 a.m.
  • Finishing my book club book
  • The weather...it feels like fall is in the air...hopefully, the traditional October Santa Ana weather will not come back

Life is progressing...have a good evening!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Gratitude!

So, in keeping with my attitude of gratitude, I am making my next list. It is difficult to be grateful when there is so much stress, but I'm trying to shift my focus. Today, I am grateful for:
  • Spending the day with D at the Tour de Fat and running errands
  • Getting to see a doctor instead of having to rely on an urgent care visit
  • Finding out what I thought was wrong really was something much more...I'm getting some treatment and will go back in a week to see how I've progressed
  • Sleeping past 6:00 a.m.
  • Our "child" (New York Aspiring Banking Mogul) getting to his fishing trip at 3:00 a.m. without having to wake us up to get there

Hope you had a nice Saturday!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

So, for so many reasons, lately, I have been a Bitter Betty or Negative Nelly. I am the classic worrier, pity party of one and all the cliches rolled into one person lately. And, I have been quite down wallowing in this negative energy. Last weekend, I notice that Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith was having a program on PBS. I have met Dr. Beckwith several years ago and have seen him on Oprah earlier this year. He talks about power within and using your potential to grow in life. Last night, I was wired when I got home, so D and I decided to watch it. We only watched a small portion, but learned so much already. One of the things he talked about was eliminating negative thoughts and actions from your life by creating gratitude...for all that we are and have, the negative things/issues we deal with (yes, because without these, we lose the opportunity to learn and grow while things change), and for just existing.

This all brought me to the new focus of my blog...gratitude! So, I'm going to start each day blogging about my daily gratitude items...5 simple things that I am thankful and blessed to have in my life!
  • The sunshine and fog mixed that combined to create a nice morning drive
  • Having a jay oh bee that challenges me on a daily basis
  • Spending Thursday nights with Mom and Meema
  • Getting to spend quality time with my purring cats, Oneder and Buttons
  • It's Friday and I have some good weekend plans

That's the start of my attitude of gratitude shift...what are you grateful for today? Whatever it is, I hope you have a great weekend!