Friday, June 19, 2009

On a Path...

My dear, poor neglected blog...I am sorry to have abandoned you lately! There is lots swirling and spinning in my head and while I've had many an idea to blog, it's just been too much and too intense to spit out onto virtual paper. A bit of my thoughts include:
  • The value I provide to those in my life...heavy thought, but it's that classic "Who am I? What am I doing here?" question. I know that I give so much of myself (sometimes, too much) to others, but at what value to them and at what cost to me? Over the last year, I've been trying to eliminate those friends who used more than they gave back for a REALLY long time. It's a hard emotional road for me to travel right now...
  • D's job is taking its toll on so many parts of our life right now. First of all, it's taken a chunk out of his confidence. One of the things I fell in love with is D's kick-butt, no care confidence, but for some reason, this job is chipping away at it. I've come to expect for one week of the month he's tied up...early into work and late nights working at home to deal with month end close. However, it's become a more regular thing as he tries to work out issues and get work done. We're making some decisions and plans so that D can get his CPA (at the company expense) and take the next step in his career into a better environment.
  • D and I have started to move forward with our goal of buying a home. We drove around last weekend and found one we love and is in our range. We are in the initial stages of figuring out where we are and where we need to be.
  • Summer is going to be so busy...July is already shaping up to be a busy month for us. July also starts our "rollback" at work. As a result of the current budget situation, we are taking a salary rollback and a 5 calendar day rollback. For us 12-monthers, this means every Friday off in July (with the exception of the 31st). So, anyone with Fridays off, let me know...maybe we can do lunch or something!
  • July is also my 20th (OMG) high school reunion! I've been hitting the gym and prepping for this. I'm really excited to see everyone and catch up. I was initially nervous about it, but thanks to Facebook and catching up with my friends whom I'd lost touch with, it's become something I'm looking forward to.

All in all, lots has been happening...I hope life is well for everyone else!


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

You are so awesome! I'm excited for your house journey -- I want that someday!

I love your attitude on the "rollback" - its an extra Friday off!

Amanda said...

I'm home for all of July so if you ever want to hang out on a Friday with me and baby D let me know!

Pilar said...

Good luck on your house hunt!!! So exciting!!!