Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Time!

Happy Monday! I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed with life right now, but trying to hang in and hold on. It's challenging for me to just let it all happen because I feel like it's all spun in a million different directions. So, my Monday list:
  • On Campus Suspension has been lifted for the Chapter...hopefully, this means they know not to go buck wild again. I am wondering if I still need to go to Big Bear this weekend with them, but since I committed to providing dinner, I should still go. Hopefully, I will not be too ragged when I get back...and we all come back alive!
  • Mom offering to help me get food for 45 hungry girls ready = less stressed me!
  • Busy weeks are the norm...last week, it was friend from Hawaii and then New York Banker flew in Saturday night. Two nights of big dinners make for one sleepy me!
  • Library time+new books+couch time=relaxation+happy me!
  • D has a second interview on Friday the 13th. This one looks really's the one his former supervisor recommended him for. All I want for our 2nd anniversary is for him to get a jay oh bee! Not much to ask for is it?!?

This is a busy week for me, but it should go really quickly...have a great week!

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