Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ch Ch Ch Changes!

First of all, I apologize for being MIA lately, but I've had a lot going on. It's nothing major that has been blogworthy, just things that have made me refocus my energy and set myself back on track. It's been a difficult process so far and will continue to be for a while. But then again, I remember that anything that ends with major personal growth and thought/behavior shifting takes a lot of work and is not always easy. It's going to be fine.

Now, the real reason for this blog entry...I talk about the jay oh bee a lot on here and my stress related to this entity. Well, we (the office) found out that Boss Man is retiring. His effective date is December 30, but he is anticipating being around part time through January and possibly February depending on recruitment and training time for his replacement. It was a little bit of a shock, but it kind of pissed me off (excuse my language). He said that he was retiring and that maybe it was time for some change considering the way things are here. This to me sounded like a big F you (again, apologies) or that we've caused this mess and it's time for someone else to come in and try to fix it. So, now it all makes sense...basically, he's been checked out for a while and has chosen to ignore all the drama and not deal with any of it. Upon hearing this announcement, the Nastys were close to doing cartwheels down the halls. They think that their beloved D (whom I replaced) will come back and be their savior and that her return as director is a done deal.

So, now, I need to start taking a look at this potential opportunity. Do I apply for the Boss Man's job? It would be the next step in the career ladder, but I worry that I am not quite ready to make that leap. Plus, I need to consider if I want to work and supervise the same Nastys that treat me like I am an idiot. Granted, it may be a different situation, but do I really want to subject myself to that? Then, the other opportunity lies in the possibility of D coming back. She is a director in another district...if she's hired here, what's to prevent me from applying for her job? In reality, there are a lot of things to consider and also a lot of opportunities that could be presented to me.

I think that this information just rattled me...I'm not surprised, but at the same time I am in a little bit of shock. Plus, I'm slightly angry at what was said and how it was handled. It's more of the processing than anything else...I just have to ride out this wave of emotion and deal with what comes one step at a time.

To be continued...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Civic Duty Fulfilled!

Since getting married, I've been changing my name with all the companies I deal with, but I forgot one...The Registrar of Voters. In the primary, I voted absentee using my previous name and address with the intent of making the changes before the November election. Well, the deadline to change this came and went before I did what I needed to do. My sample ballot was mailed to my mom's. I could have voted at my past polling place in Escondido, but didn't think that would be convenient during the work week. Instead, I decided to vote early over the weekend at Registrar of Voters in Kearny did everyone else (or so it seemed in the County).

When I tell you how long it took me from start to finish, I'm sure you will say that I should have made the trip to Escondido to vote after work on Tuesday as I thought many times during my time in line. It took me (drum roll please) three and a half hours from the time I got in line until I walked out with my "I Voted" sticker.

Thinking I would get an early jump, I left D sleeping in bed at 8:10 and headed to Kearny Mesa. I had to park over a block away. At that point, the line snaked into the parking lot, down a long hall and back up and around several more lines before finally making it into the office to vote. In line, I met a woman who was voting early because she was leaving on vacation and others who forgot to do absentee and wanted to avoid the lines on Tuesday. There were all ranges of people there in line from the first time voter to the woman who had voted in every election since 18 (now in her 60s). Parent with young children instilling the value of voting, new citizens voting in their first election, families, singles. In spite of the long lines, spirits ran high at the prospect of what's to come. Regardless of personal beliefs, we were all united in our make our voices heard by giving up some time in our busy lives.

I finally made it to the counter and was re-registered with my new name and address. The only down side is that I had not prepared myself for the San Diego election pool. I voted and walked out feeling accomplished, hungry, thirsty and tired knowing that I could ignore the continuing political ads until the results are announced on Tuesday night.

So, to all of my readers, make sure to take the time by Tuesday November 4 and vote. The County is expecting a 75-80% turnout, so plan to wait in a line, but in the end, it's all worth it!