We celebrated D's birthday to begin the month. Again, I took us to Seau's Legends Party. It is so much fun...a party complete for $55 per person which included food from a variety of San Diego restaurants, free gaming, dancing and other entertainment. It is attended by a variety of local and national sports celebrities. Last year, we had the fortune to meet Dermontti Dawson who played with the Pittsburgh Steelers. He is so nice and spent lots of time talking to us and hanging out. This year, we ran into him again and spent a long time with him at the blackjack table. We had quite the laugh over the girls trying to hit on him (he's married)and took pictures with us.

Before the craziness

After the craziness
The next night was actually D's birthday. We took him to dinner at the family favorite (Ruth's Chris) and had a great night. I think D actually had a good time and was touched by the family.
The next weekend was our annual All Greek reunion. Once again, I was designated driver for the evening. I am still amazed after all these years (5 to be exact) that women can get together and have a drink and be civil. Whereas, the men (fraternity boys) all act like they're back in college. It's funny to watch...especially D taking shots and being hungover the next morning! I ran into the one (former) friend that pushed me to make my resolution of losing those friends who do nothing, but bring me down. She said hello and gave me a hug and said nothing else to me the rest of the evening. I think I got the hello and hug just because I was with a group of people she wanted to say hello to. It felt fine...I guess I've made a huge step regarding that resolution!
The jay oh bee is good and I am still cautiously optimistic about the situation. New boss is so different and keeps pulling me into things that I was never involved with before. I feel good about things...I have an interview on Wednesday for her former position. I'm feeling like I'm in a potentially win-win situation...if I stay, it's good, but if I get this promotion, it's also good. She has been encouraging and shared that she doesn't want me to leave, but understands that I need to do what is best for my career. The other upside about the promotion is that it would move me closer to realizing some of my dreams.
I'm really trying to take things one step at a time rather than looking at big pictures. When I do, I can feel it throw me into a small tizzy! It's all a process...have a great day!