I found this on a blog that I follow and decided that it would be a good way to force myself back into blogging...you can find details at lovelovelovesar.blogspot.com
Day 1: Discuss your current relationship.
D and I have know each other for almost 17 years. We met at the beginning of spring semester 1995 in a statistics class. I was in a sorority and he was in a fraternity. At first, and he will admit it, he did not like me. He thought I was some curly haired sorority girl. This changed a week or so later. We went out with a group of friends and somehow, I drove D back home at the end of the evening. From PB to Carlsbad (45-minute drive), he talked non-stop! From that night on, we were friends. We always hung out at parties and events together. After graduation, we kept in touch. Usually, we talked about once a month and hung out doing "couple" things...dinner and a movie, dates to weddings (we had mutual friends), parties, etc. One time, we were shopping at the clerk in JCrew was hitting on him. At the register, her friend asked if we were together. When I responded that I wasn't buying anything, she asked if we were dating. We had quite a laugh over that one!
Our relationship dynamics began to change in April 2002. I got a message from D to call him as soon as possible. I could tell something was wrong and after trying to call him for several hours, finally got in touch with him and found out his mother had a stroke. D was a change of life baby (mom was 47 when she had him) and his mother was in her late 70s. From that point on, we spent a lot of time talking and spending time together. I lost my stepdad in 1993, so I know what it's like to lose a parent. She passed away that October. I went to El Centro (his hometown) to attend the services. He stayed with me at the hotel since his parent's house was so crowded and I tried to keep him level. The next day at the cemetery, I stood back out of the way. I can't explain this next part and the feeling, but something happened! I was praying and saying to his mom how I would take care of her boy. I felt something strange and it changed how I looked at him. As I drove home alone, the rational me said that it was just the emotions of the weekend.
From there, we began talking daily. He joined the ladies and I for dinner one night, which became an evening where he cried with my mom and tried to eat dinner with 2 knives! That night, we made a bet on the Chargers-Raiders game the next day. I won the bet which was dinner. On November 9, we went to dinner, but it felt different and ended with us staying up until 5:00 a.m. talking. At some point in the middle of the night in the dark, D asked if I had feelings for him. It was a tough question to answer and it was putting it all on the line. When I finally said yes, he also admitted that he had feelings for me. And, that began our dating life!
With the exception of 2 miserable weeks of not talking over a misunderstanding, we have been together ever since! Before our marriage, we had to deal with so much stress...his father's passing 10 months after his mom, cleaning out and selling the childhood home, family pressures. On December 16, 2004, he asked me to officially marry him, which I did on November 24, 2007!
Marriage is amazing...it is like being manic! The highest highs, the lowest lows and everything in between! I am so lucky to be with him...he is both my biggest critic and cheerleader...he pushes me to be more and believes in me! I think how if my life had been on the path I was, I would not have met him that Spring 1995. I was supposed to be in law school...I graduated with my BA in political science in 1994, but had a change of heart and went back to get the credits for a business degree. If I skipped this, who knows where I'd be today! All I know is that I am a lucky woman to married to D!
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