Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy (Belated) New Year!

Happy (belated) New Year, my friends! I apologize for the delay, but some kind of nasty bug has taken root in my system since right before my birthday (3 weeks ago) and I have been fighting it with all the energy I have. I kept trying to compose posts when the sickness hit over the weekend, but I lost all sense of words and could not focus to write. Originally, I was going to write a recap of 2009. Then, I decided that dead horse had been beaten enough...I'm going to focus on 2010 instead. Here are my goals/resolutions/plans for 2010:

  1. Focus on me and how awesome I am. Over the past year, I have been beating myself up over some past decisions rather than appreciating the difficult decision and moving forward. So, this year, no more self inflicted beatings!
  2. Continue to grow in our marriage...with the beast that was 2009, our marriage held up pretty well under the stress. When things are rough everywhere else, D is my biggest strength and I need to keep nurturing that relationship.
  3. Decide what to do with the jay oh bee situation. Either I focus and learn what I can from my current position (and deal with the Nastys) or I look for something else to leave. I've been unfocused in my work and that needs to change.
  4. Keep in touch with my friends...I get busy and lazy and forget my friends. It needs to be a priority more.
  5. Appreciate all we have and stop focusing on what we don't have.
  6. Get into better shape...with a trip to the beach for Uncle Banking Mogul's 65th in June plus the baby carrying potential on the horizon, I would like to be in better physical shape.
  7. Buy a condo/house...I really want us to achieve this goal...we were on track to get closer, but then 2009 happened.
  8. Be in baby mode...all of a sudden, the baby fever has started to hit both D and I. After spending the day with our great niece, I can see what love there is for a child. Plus, I really saw what a good father D would be...it was almost like, "just add baby" and he stepped into the "get the stroller set up, etc" mode.
  9. Stop and smell the roses of life...take time to relax and just be. I tend to have "yesitis" and sometimes over commit myself. Then, I become a raving lunatic. This year, I want to stop and calm it all down.
  10. Clean out all the nooks and crannies of home...and keep it that way! We have a lot of stuff and could probably do without a great deal of it!

In short, with a new decade and year, it's time to focus on making life easier and better. Here's to a great 2010 for all of us...happy new year!

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