Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jay Oh Bee Updates

So, I finally heard (after 2+ weeks) that I didn't get the job I interviewed for. BUT, there is a new job prospect on the horizon. Last week, I got a call from my contact at another district. She got a director position elsewhere and wanted to know if I would be interested in applying for her position (it's a supervisor). The call came late Wednesday afternoon and the deadline to apply was Friday. That night, I worked on the materials for almost 5 hours and managed to make the deadline. My current boss talked to them about me wanting to move up and has encouraged me to do this...he told me that the last two in the position have gone onto become directors. I got an email yesterday and I have an appointment on Friday for an interview and performance. Part of this process entails a 5-minute presentation to the panel. So, now, I have until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday to work on the presentation and email it to them by the deadline. I have cancelled all my plans this week to devote to this project. I am so excited about this opportunity...I would actually supervise 3 employees (instead of just having the title) and would get a nice raise in the process. It's also closer to home so I could save on gas. There are so many positives that could come with this position, but I am staying focused on each step. So, on Friday at noon, if you could send some good jay oh bee vibes my way, I would appreciate it!


Unknown said...

Good luck! I'm rooting for you :)

Pilar said...

Good luck J!!!