Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Equals The Countdown Is On!

Happy Monday! I am okay with the Monday concept this week because I only have 4 days of work this week...and it's even a shortened time. Thursday (my last day of work), I'm leaving early to get my hair done. The weekend was good...lots happened and lots was accomplished:
  • Thursday: Went home, relaxed on the couch and took a big nap...the rest of the night was us doing a whole lot of nothing. It felt good to relax and get closely reacquainted with the couch. I finished my book (The 4th Summer of the Sisterhood of the Traveling good and so sad this story has come to an end) before finally crashing out.
  • Friday: We gathered the massive amounts of laundry and headed to Mom's. Mom had work for D to do...including a Home Depot run. Once that was done, we relaxed and did laundry while socializing...Alicia and Kathy joined us for dinner. We finally finished everything around 9:00 and headed south...we saw at least 5 fireworks shows on the way home. To us, fireworks aren't that big of a deal considering we can see Sea World's show every night from our office window.
  • Saturday: Randy Jones (former Padres pitcher/purveyor of ballpark barbecue) was signing and we (D) wanted to get our photos signed from when we met him last year. There was no one there, so it was a quick stop. Then, off to run errands...D got a hair cut, Big 5 (shoe goo for D and a new shirt for me), REI (lots for me...3 pairs of capris, tshirt, shoes, travel toiletries bag and carry-on/travel bag), Road Runner (look at shoes for D), Sports Authority (more clothes for me...2 shirts and a jacket), late lunch/early dinner at Bay Park Seafood, stop at Seisel's Meats (chicken wings, thick cut bacon and some seasonings) and finally, home. We became couch potatoes watching the Padres game, Tour De France, and then, Hopkins (another hour taken up on the DVR by me...I'm fascinated by medical school and those who become started with a PBS special 20 years ago about becoming a doctor at Harvard Medical School). We stayed up very late (3:00 a.m. bedtime) geeking out over music and random things. In my random Internet surfing, I found out that RENT is in the Broadway San Diego series for 2008-09. I am so going (March 2009) and dragging D (and anyone else who wants to go) with me. I LOVE this show and can probably do a one-woman show of the soundtrack. I've seen it 3 times in the theater and own the movie.
  • Sunday: We got up later (probably because of the late bedtime) and I made breakfast. The thick cut bacon from Seisel's was so good...definitely worth the money. The rest of the day was spent arranging the bedroom...we bought cubby organizer thing for my clothes (since there's no room for my stuff in the drawers...I married a clothes whore) and finally put it together and put clothes and shoes in it. It looks good in the bedroom and it's starting to look nice in there. I've wanted us to get a comforter set for the bedroom, but haven't wanted to buy one until things were more organized. I also spent over an hour ironing D's shirts from the laundry. We want to (try to) put the ironing board away instead of taking up space in the bedroom.

The jay oh bee is the same...we have our monthly bonding lunch on Thursday. I think we are all looking forward to this as much as a root canal. Yesterday was the engaged Nasty's birthday, so we get to celebrate that...woohoo! Last Thursday, her fiance (who is currently deployed) sent her flowers (she's allergic). It was such a sad event! This week will (hopefully) fly by...I have a lot to do in figuring out what I want to pack and get that organized. I also need to figure out if I need to get anything before I leave. Have a great week!

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