I am feeling so blah for no explainable reason. It's a relatively random feeling because life is pretty good...I even went to the gym with D after work yesterday. After the gym, we headed home, made dinner and flipped between the Padres game and The Biggest Loser Couples Finale. Padres won 6-0 which was great. Bernie won the at home challenge and Ali won the finalist challenge on The Biggest Loser. I read some of my book...nothing too exciting. I ignored my email for one night (which greeted with several emails from the Chapter this morning). It felt good to accomplish so much and get to bed at a reasonable hour, so why am I so blah?!?
This morning, work had a breakfast for our department's announcement of Classified Employee of the Year. Since I am on our department's committee, it was no surprise to me, but it was good to have some muffins, bagels and strawberries. And the highlight of my morning is my Yahoo chat with D...he kept telling me that he was so excited (and hungry) because his company was having a BBQ to celebrate their successful first quarter. He called it their morale boost in lieu of raises and bonuses. He cracked me up with his excitement and told me at 10 minutes before the BBQ that he had to go get ready to be in line for food! The rest of day has been fine...not much to write about today.
Now, my random thought/vent/whatever you want to call it...I am fascinated with crime and courts and jail...I love to watch Lockdown on MSNBC or Court TV and those types of shows. It is so interesting to me, so I check CNN's crime section regularly and watch Court TV if I am home. Well, last week, I was home and saw a nice looking baby faced 18 year old "kid" getting ready for his trial to start in Michigan. He was on trial for murder which included mutilation and dismemberment with body parts of his victim dropped at various locations. The murder was committed because the "kid" along with his co-conspirator and the guy they killed were going to extort money from another guy who never showed up...plus, they did it at his grandfather's home. Again, fascinated by this kind of stuff, I googled his story and have been following it on CNN. His friend/co-conspirator bypassed trial and plead guilty to 2nd degree murder. This guy decided to go to trial because as he told his parents in jailhouse conversations, he would never be convicted and sent to jail. His defense for the crime was that the guy he killed was twice his size and he felt threatened. Well, he was wrong! Because today, a jury convicted him after 10 hours of deliberations of 1st degree murder. I understand the self defense claim, but not when you chop someone into pieces and dump him at random locations through the city (and set his torso on fire so they can't identify the body and dump his head into the river). Come on...give me a break! Talk about stupidity! If you want to read it, check out CNN and the articles on the Teen Thrill Kill Case.
At least, I get to go home in one piece and not spend the rest of my life in jail...so, why am I so blue?!? Now, that I think about it from that perspective, I'm not feeling so blue anymore!
I'm addicted to crime shows and SVU and all that. I don't know why. I was a cops beat reporter at my last job and I loved it. Something weird about me (and you!) I guess.
Oh -- I keep meaning to tell you, I go to CSUSM every week for work and I always see your AXO girls! Everytime I think "ha ha, I know your advisor!"
Hey!!! I LOVE court and forensic shows too!!! I watch Forensic Files, The Investigators, etc ALL the time!!! Too funny!!!
And right now that I saw Natalie's post it reminded me that I also saw a car (I believe it was a Jetta) that said something on the back window about AXO on the 78 and I also thought about you!
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