So, I did it...the Jetta sold last night! Dianna (the buyer) is meeting me on Sunday to take possession of the car and do the paperwork. I'm happy that I was able to sell it, but I am sad also. It's like a piece of me going away. So, in honor of the Jetta, I'm going to reminisce about our sweet times together...
- Doing my research and knowing exactly what I wanted...enough so, Mom and I spent 4+ hours in the dealer on Memorial Day buying it.
- Being a passenger for several weeks after I broke my ankle.
- Taking the "girls" (Mom, Meema and sometimes, Alicia) to Ruth's for dinner and us all singing the soundtrack to RENT or Ricky Martin and having such fun while trying to keep Mom cool from one of her hot flashes that always happened as we got ready to leave for Ruth's.
- Mom and Meema both getting sick (not at the same time) after having too much fun at Ruth's...it's that good bartender and drinks concept!
- Driving alone to Torrance during the summer for a work class early in the morning with a Starbucks, the sunroof open and music blaring.
- The nasty pothole I hit in Rancho Santa Fe on a rainy day on my way to work in Encinitas.
- My battery exploding when the Ruth's valet started my car and the ride home with the tow truck driver.
- Cousin Clevelander having to drive the crammed (5 people) Jetta home for Meema's 80th birthday party because Mom and I never got a chance to eat, but we always had a glass of wine in our hands.
- Driving home from the EC after D's mom's funeral and realizing that something had changed between us...and trying to convince myself that logically it was just the emotion of the weekend.
- Driving home from D's after our first date and talk...being so happy, but so scared at what we had talked about.
- Driving home from D's in Del Mar via Del Dios so late at night and smiling about our time together.
- Taxiing the girls around shopping, to meals, on errands and just everywhere and anywhere we wanted.
- Running out of gas on my way to get gas because I pushed the limits of the gas light being on...it was the one and only time this happened!
- Work day lunches spent reading, listening to talk radio and occasional (frequent) power naps.
- Becoming really good at parallel parking from my visits to D's.
- Paying for brand new brakes (front and rear...it was a must do) two weeks before the wedding because who doesn't want to spend that kind of money right before their wedding!
So, thank you Jetta for carrying me safely over the past nine years...it's been an interesting ride!
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