Sunday, August 3, 2008

All By Myself...

So, the great thing about being married is having company around. Yes, there are times when you want space, but then there are other times when you need that warm body home. Even if it's in the other room, it's still comforting to have that around. Sunday nights are that last quiet night for us before the crazy work week starts. Well, tonight, unexpectedly, I'm all by myself! It's the start of close week for D at work...usually, this involves him spending a few hours working remotely on Sunday night. However, thanks to his incompetent IT manager, D was unable to log in to work from home. So, off he went to Poway to see if he could fix the problem and come home quickly. Instead, it didn't get the problem fixed at home. So, at almost
10:00 on Sunday night, D is diligently working in Poway and I am home. Hopefully, I'll stay up a little longer so we have a little Sunday night cuddle time...good night!

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